Isabella Linsa Hoover



3 years, 1 month ago


Isabella Linsa Hoover
"Rad Doc"



name: Isabella Linsa Hoover
age: 223
Birthday: 1st of January 2058

Species: Ghoul
Gender: Female

There are many causes I would die for, but there is no cause I would kill for.


Born in Rapid City, South Dakota, Isabel is a prodigy, an exemplary person, skipping grades and finishing high school much sooner than expected. "Golden-hearted pacifist" is what describes her best, because she does good without looking at whom.


Linsa is a charismatic and kind-hearted person, always wanting the best for others and trying her best to help everyone.
Cheerful and dedicated, always responsible and protective. Almost, or like a mother to her friends.

On the other hand, she gives her opinion without being asked and her self-confidence used to be better.

Positive traits
Negative traits



Graduated from high school at 16, and at 17 went to medical school at the University of Los Angeles, California. On the 23rd of October 2077, the day the bombs fell, a lot of people including Isabel arrived in time at the LA Vault and were protected.

She returned to her studies at the Vault, with Doctor Landell, as they had been temporarily put on hold by the riots and, well, the end of the world. The Vault was opened and some people came out to see the situation, even though she didn't have her studies completed, she wanted to go and see it too.

The world was in chaos.Even with the scorched dirt and the air contaminated by the radiation atoms, it wasn't enough to stop the Vault's residents from wandering around. As time passed, Dr Landell was the group's doctor, and Isabel his apprentice and helper.

At age 24, due to the radiation lands, and lack of knowledge of it, some members of the group and Linsa were suffering from radiation. Some died, and those who survived turned into Ghouls.

2093, she spent time in Pasadena, She started a "House Calls" service with a few other doctors in medicine, they were close to the dry fountain of the City Hall, around a radio waiting for a call. It was rarely a serious problem, usually suspicious warts, a stomachache, or a worker fire ant bite.

Many years later, in 2164, Isabel moved to the Boneyard, and met the Followers of the Apocalypse, she had already heard about their work and what they followed, it didn't take long for her to join the Followers. She started having patients with real problems, being treated with respect.

2273, the Mojave Campaign took place, Led by Julie Farkas, she with a contingency of Followers went to the Mojave Desert, assisting NCR forces. Isabel managed to get a house in Freeside, across the street from the King's impersonation school, and since then, she has lived there, taking care of locals, passersby, and anyone in need of care, without charging a single penny.



  • By treating people without charging anything, Isabel sometimes ends up getting gifts. an example of a gift given by a patient, is his Dart Rifle "Royal Rattlesnake".
  • Isabel since she was little loves singing and humming, and she didn't let that habit go because of the chaotic world she lives in today.
  • In 2271, Linsa bought a Carnivorous Plant, which the girl who sold it to her said it was a Venus Flytrap that received a small amount of radiation upon germination. She named it Archimedes.
Plugin/mod called "Rad Doc", still in production, but available now! You can find Isabel at Followers' Community Center.

At 1.60 m tall, this yellow-skinned woman has a warm air, visible marks like any other Ghoul. she has a large burn on the side of her waist, just below her left arm that resulted from brave behavior years earlier. Her hair is short Chanel with black highlights.

dark sclera eyes and gray irises, plump cheeks and round face. She has soft hands, a thin neck, slightly weak arms, narrow shoulders, shapely legs, wide hips and torso with modest breasts and a narrow waist. She often wears Sporty clothes that are almost always clean. She is usually seen wearing a baby blue tank top, black cargo pants, a leather belt with a gold buckle, pockets and small flasks attached to her belt, and a Postman-style bag on her right side.


Phillip Tran "Soldier Boy"

Isabel has known Phillip since he was stung by a scorpion around the Boneyard as a child. She was gentle and friendly to him, mentoring and caring for him. In 2280, The Doctor found the Boy again, as an NCR Trooper, at the door of the Followers' outpost, wounded by a Legion Bastard.

Noelle Smith "The Boomer Courier"

Despite Boomer's origins and beliefs, Isabel respects Noelle's aggressive and destructive nature as long as Isabel is not involved as a combatant. Noelle respects the Ghoul's pacifist opinion and her interest in treating and caring for everyone.

Kardia Khilents "The Courier"

The doctor and the wallet have a relationship, admittedly by both, loving. They met by Mojave when the brunette suffered an assassination attempt, managing to be rescued in time and taken to a hospital so that her injuries could be treated with due care by the ghoul. Then, thanks to the purplish-haired “purposeful” outings, they ended up becoming more intimate with each other, hanging out in Vegas together, causing chaos and mayhem, at least on Kardia's part.