Samael (Mindscape/Void/Body Info)


Basic Info


The location(?) Samael grew up in, and stayed in until a certain event in his mid-20's, as well as misc. info about how his existence works.


Will gradually add proper information (and images) at random future points.

Warning for descriptions/mentions of body horror, vomit, and animal death.

  • To summarize, it is basically the "world" that one (Birthday Boy) might dream of some nights -- and the same place a person's consciousness resides. 
  • Many different "places" exist there, since it can spawn basically whatever a person might dream of or imagine. Hence why it might be called the "mindscape" sometimes.
  • The default state of it is a void-like flat plane that seems to span forever. There are stray entities, places, etc scattered around it, most of which are entered through random doors you can stumble across (think Yume Nikki's nexus/world but less fun looking and far more disorganized lol).
  • You can fall off of the edge of each "plane" in the void, if you walk too far.
  • The "ground" of each plane is covered in a layer of a black oil-like substance that can sometimes reflect things. The depth of this is different per level.
  • 777 exists in this void somewhere deeper, since he's the manifestation of Bday's consciousness, and he is tied to why this "oil" is everywhere.
  • Bday (and in turn 777) isn't actually aware of Samael's existence save for a weird sort of disconnected feeling of deja-vu sometimes, and the feeling when you can't remember a core memory but really want to. It's annoying.
  • Samael is capable of using Bday's body to do things sometimes, but his ability to do that wanes as they get older. The one that's living will obviously overpower the one that's dead, even if he doesn't realize what's going on in the first place.
  • When they were kids, Samael had a habit of using these short periods of control to get Bday in trouble (on accident). It would usually be him suddenly dropping whatever he was holding, or throwing it, or suddenly going silent and just looking at people like he doesn't recognize them or isn't listening.
  • His senses would be extremely messed up whenever these moments would happen, so it would still feel like it wasn't real. It would leave Samael feeling more confused than anything most of the time.

  • Samael primarily resides in a recreation of a random motel room that was pieced together from stray memories. It's impossible to run into unless you find the right door on the right plane. He chooses not to leave this room.
  • Samael has the ability to add other rooms (like a kitchen or bathroom) onto the motel room, but they always turn out looking really off from how they should.
  • He technically shouldn't be able to affect anything in this entire place, since it's someone elses mind, but due to sharing the same body (and residing in someones mind as well) he figured out how to do some small things like that.
  • Samael can also make doors to other places (like a field, or a lake for example) in the same way he can add rooms, but those are very off-looking as well.
  • He basically uses his own mind IN someone else's mind, to make things. It's weird and complicated. Most of this is.
  • He spent his childhood in the middle of the void. The room he found/made only became a concept around his adult years (~18 - 20) and he found out the TV in the room let's him get clearer snippets of his brother's life and memories than other things he's stumbled across during his existence (similar to when he could utilize his body, except this time he can focus on it easier). Kind of like hitting the right nerve for a certain response, in a way?
  • He becomes utterly fixated on this TV as the years pass so he spends most of his time parked right at the end of the room's bed, staring at it.

  • Samael can interact with different entities formed from Bday's experiences with people. These entities are from specific events, conversations, etc. so they will reflect that person in that specific time frame, or reflect Bday's feelings about them and act on those.
  • Example: Any situation where Bday might have found Rookie scary (like after the incident with their parents) would be represented in his brain by a version of his brother who acts really aggressive or scary, or any time he's done nice things for him that would mean there's a nice representation of him, etc. There are different versions of everyone in there and it's all Samael had for a social life forever, even though they're just entities based on another person's memories.
  • He eventually realizes these entities aren't real people, and it causes him to become very very closed off and stop interacting with them like normal. He becomes very aggressive towards them if they keep repeating things to him or trying to do certain things, etc. He likes to toy with them after a certain point, like they're dolls.
  • Sometimes if he's feeling bad enough he'll interact with them like normal, though. It still doesn't help that he knows they aren't real people actively interacting with him. He craves real interaction more than anything, to the point where getting a taste of it (from Peanut Butter) drives him insane for a good while.
  • These entities can be (and have been) killed but they eventually show up again, since they are from memories/Bday's perception of people around him. He tries to attack PB at later points in their relationship in the mindscape because he gets extremely envious that PB can leave "whenever he wants to".
  • The entities can technically harm Samael, but he can't actually die or stay injured. He's basically on even ground with them, but he actually is his own person with his own consciousness.
  • This gives him a lot of leverage over these entities and is a big reason why he becomes so self-absorbed and thinks way too highly of his abilities.

  • Samael's body does exist physically the whole time, but only as sort of... extra layers within Bday's body. Imagine getting examined and the doctor told you you had extra layers of everything within your body. Skin, bones, organs, etc. Very body-horror esque, but it doesn't affect Bday aside from giving him a physically stronger body (until Samael gets expelled from it).
  • Bday (with the addition of some outside source making things possible) has to vomit the entirety of this up out of his body in order for Samael to exist. Yes it's horrifying, yes it hurts.
  • Samael is expelled as a shit-ton of a thick, black oil-like substance (with stray identifiable body matter in it to make things even more horrific) and reforms into his normal self a while afterwards. The substance is similar to the one found all over the void he's from.
  • Samael's crown is plastic, and his bond with that same object he found in the void somehow manifested it.... Which means Bday has to throw that up, as well. Ouch.

  • Samael's default form is the more animal-esque one he has. The form he has in the void is moreso his idealized self, but also what he's meant to look like, for the mostpart.
  • He likely would have looked very different from how he looks if he was born normally.
  • When he exists in his own body he has to expend extra energy just to stay in his usual form. It quickly becomes almost effortless (like learning how to walk), but it's still just an extra difficulty he's got tacked on his sad existence.
  • He was inherently meant to have shapeshifting abilities (like his father), and does get to retain those, but they're damaged beyond repair so he's left unable to alter himself in certain ways.
  • The reason Samael's body can be all melty/become goop is because of all of this. He's not meant to exist -- he's meant to be nothing but a concept since his death. He contradicts life itself and in turn he's got extra struggles that he has to learn to exist with, even if some of them can be beneficial in certain scenarios.
  • He technically has everything a body needs to survive, but he's kinda made of finely minced body matter. Including his bones. He can melt his bones down and become boneless if he really feels like it.
  • He cannot regrow the arm he loses (the one Bday's body keeps.)
  • His horns are supposed to be much longer (similar to his default form's length) but his improper existence stunted their growth severely, so now he can only form them that way when he's using up less physical/mental resources. He's pretty much faking it for comfort, since he's insecure about a lot of things.

  • The years of interacting with entities based on another person's memories and relationships sort of fried Samael's brain, leading to him being extremely cautious and judgemental of most people -- Primarily people that Bday actually knows.
  • He takes a very long time to trust people, even those he inherently wants love and attention from (like his family).
  • He ends up highly dissociative (both with himself and the world around him) due to living in a dreamlike state for most of his life. He has bouts of still feeling like things aren't real.
  • He goes through a period of learning that real people can't just come back. He has issues with accidentally killing small animals (primarily birds and rodents) for a while if he gets frustrated with them, both because he doesn't have the best grasp on his physical strength and it's limits, and because he assumes death is a temporary state.
  • He was initially a happy (but confused) kid who couldn't understand why the world seemed to be so dark and nothing like what he expected. The more he was able to piece things together, the sadder he got, and eventually he started to feel hopeless once he realized he can't have a normal life like those he could see on the other side of things.
  • He is a lot happier now that he's (mostly) alive, though.
  • Samael wants to be a good person, but he's also just trying to exist. If he has to be a sort of bad person just to get by and live, then he'll do just that. His family and friends are willing to help him improve himself once they can get past the walls he puts up around himself, but he will always stay broken in some way.