


6 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info

Won in a Raffle

I won this character in a Raffle on DA

RP Status

I will not RP with this character.


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Alex's Profile

Name: Alexander Bowmen, Alex for Short Gender: Male Age: 17 Race: Neko Height: 5' 6" Body Type: Fit
...Body Fat Low/Medium
...Muscle Medium Sexuality: Strait Job/Role: He is a high school student in privet school. Looks: Alex normally dresses fairly casual and only dress up if he really has to and his parents make him. His parents are a little annoyed with this but they cannot stop him. He just combs out his hair and does not do much with it after that. He likes being in cloths that are loss and comfortable. The charm on his glasses was a gift from his grandfather. He also is rare neko that has no tail.


Both of his parents are business owners. They run a major publishing company and are fairly wealthy so they can afford for him to go to privet school. He is very smart and his parents what him to take over the company, though he is not sure that is what he wants to do. His mother is more supportive than his father on this. Other than this there is nothing overly special about Alex he has had a pretty good life and a loving family. Even if him and his father will get into some fights about what each sees for Alex's future they still make up and work things out.


Alex is a bit of a nerd; he likes his video games but is very smart and works hard in school. He also wants to stay healthy and in shaped so he is seen in the weight room of the school in the mornings. Alex is fairly popular, he is a friendly guy and charming, when he wants to be. He is nice to everyone no matter what your social standing is. The girls in his class will flirt with him since he is good looking and nice. He will help other students with their school work and is a math tutor. Relationships with other OCs Sonatina: His girl friend, Alex started off as her tutor when she was struggling in the class and the teacher suggested him for a tutor. Since Alex was a sophomore and Sonatina a freshman he had felling for her. She was beautiful and very talented but he also felt she was in a league of her own. Being so famous already she brought a lot of attention to the school and everyone knew her. Sure he was good looking and smart but that was it he was no one special so he never pursued her. But when he became her tutor as a junior this gave them the chance they needed to meet and get to know each other and in time they started to go out. Likes:
Hanging with his friends
Girls flirting with him
Staying in Shape
Studying and tutoring others
Likes the spot light to shine on him, being popular, girls flirting with him, attention from teachers, ect Dislikes:
Hates guys that are jerks
Not big into sports
Not good at art so does not want anyone to see his random doodles
Trying to be in fashion