Nari Kwang



6 years, 9 months ago



Name: Nari Kwang

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Birthday: July 17th

Zodiac: Cancer


+Kind- she's very kind, gets bothered about seeing people feel sad or left out, she likes to do small things for people just to see them smile.

+ Silly- she really likes cartoons and bad jokes, likes to make funny faces

+Neat and Organized- likes to keep everything nice and neat, it helps her think better though she's not OCD about it

-Stubborn- once she's made up her mind there is no changing it

-Forgetful- she has a hard time remembering important things, like the things she studied but can remember pointless stuff which frustrates her to no end

-Self Conscious- she wants to stop caring so much what people think but its been a little hard for her, she will lie and hide things if she thinks it will bring bad attention.


Born in NY USA, Moved to Korea at age 11 due to fathers work. 

In her time in the US she mostly hung out with other Asians as she didn't take the jokes about her race to well. Due to all the jokes she became very shy, often worried her race was the only thing people saw in her. She took to drawing and dancing and even bugged her parents to take dance lessons. Though she only took them for a few years and dropped it upon moving to Korea.

Nari struggled at first there. She was picked on for how sometimes her Korean would sound awkward but her brother would stand up for her when he was around. Her brother eventually caused a scene that scared others from bulling her and she begun to feel more home in Korea. Her Korean got better with time and right now Nari's just a regular high school student living with her parents.

Cartoons and AnimeNuts
Cute Things and PastelsCoffee
Stuffed AnimalsReading
Variety  ShowsBig Reptiles
Video GamesFeeling Unable to Help


*Has a Dog Named Brosph (her brother named him)

*Currently trying to learn Japanese

*Speaks Fluent English and Korean

*Has a stuffed animal and pin collection

*She and her brother once did a few dance videos and put them on youtube though they wore masks and she's too embarrassed to ever tell anyone




Jiyoung Kwang - Older Brother

Kazuhiko Yume - Penpal