


6 years, 10 months ago


Full Name: Toki Tangent

Pronunciation: toe-key tan-gent

Nickname/Alias: chips lord, lord of the chips,

Meaning: the time of opportunity

Origin: Well I just realized that he reminded me of a certian character i liked who was also named toki so there you go

Title: nope

Pet Name: couch potato, sloth,

ID Number: 40439

Signature: he never bothers to write his name so he signs with a quick drawing of a sloth

Gender: Male

Gender Role: Masculine

Orientation: Doesn't care

Real Age: 18

Age Appearance: 20

Birthday: Feb 15th

Birthplace: In a garbage disposal bin

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

Immediate Family: Mom and dad

Distant Family: Uncle

Parenting: strict but gave up with telling him how to live his life

Upbringing: "Keep your promises."

Infancy: he had health problems since he was born in a garbage disposal bin

Childhood: Toki was one of those boys that would collect bugs and sometimes eat them. He was a strange kid that got into trouble

Adolescence: Toki's a total couch poato, doesn't do much for himself except for getting food and using the bathroom.

Adulthood: Probably would still be lazy and get a job that pays well that lets him stay at home

Coming of Age: he's never grown up

Evolution: He doesn't take care of himself

Species: Human

Ethnicity: Japanese

Blood Type: AB

Preferred Hand: ambidextrous

Facial Type: normal face for a human

Eye Color: green that really stands out from his hair

Hair Color: Dark grey-ish

Hairstyle: Short and floofy

Skin Tone: pale for a japanese person

Complexion: (Self explanatory)

Makeup: nope

Body Type: string bean

Build: string bean

Height: 5ft 10in

Weight: ????

Shoe Size: (Self Explanatory)

Birthmarks/scars: he has a birthmark on his left butt cheek as well as on the bottom of his right foot

Distinguishing Features: none he's a simple one

Health: average except for his diet

Energy: a very small amount

Memory: pretty good memory to the point of remembering how many bugs he caught when he was just 7 years old

Senses: he has good hearing and good smell

Allergies: cactus juice

Phobias: Being without electricity, the dark, his many exs

Addictions: video games, chips, flirting, loving coco

Style: the casual don't really care style

Mode of Dress: tie worn loosely, vest over shirt, belt on arm loosely fitted

Grooming: messy yet floofy

Posture: very slouchy

Gait: slow and flexible

Coordination: hand and eye cordination to the max thanks to video games

Habits and Mannerisms: puckers lips when thinking, rubbing cheeks when deep thinking, pouts when upset, blurts out random facts when nervous

Scent: a surprisingly nice spicy smell despite his sweat

Mood: a very i don't care lets take it easy laid back mood

Attitude: he just does what he feels like

Stability: pretty stable unless he loses at video games

Expressiveness: let it all out

When Happy: hums the attack on titian theme song

When Depressed: locks himself in his room and surrounds himself with his many sloth plushies

When Angry: calls people scrubs, pouts, waves hands into the air, rolls around on the ground screeching inhumanly

Current Residence: In an apartment his parents pay for. Good quality with electricity and warm running water as well as heat

Community: small city

Family: Mom, Dad, Uncle

Friends: he doesn't have any irl but he has online friends

Enemies: trolls and smurf accounts

Bosses: no one

Followers: no one

Heroes: most of the creators of the animes he watches

Rivals: no one

Pets/Familiars: owns 7 cats with coco

Wardrobe: so casual

Equipment: chips, sloth plushie, all the game controllers and systems

Accessories: just his tie

Trinkets: his tie

Funds: he's got a good amount to buy his own food and of course snacks. But he has his own separate account for his video game expenses

Home: very simple with piles of games and manga. couch has a fuzzy blanket and his favorite sloth plushie named 'mr.snuff'

Neighborhood: normal neighborhood

Transportation: little scooter he calls his 'dream ride'

Collections: all the games and manga he likes

Most valuable possession: all of his game systems and his flat screen tv

Prized Possession: His 'mr.snuffs'

Lovers: coco

Marital Status: taken

Sex Life: doing good ;)

Turn-Ons: cute, funny, cuddles

Turn Offs: tell him what to do too much, doesn't like video games at all, hates his way of living

Position: Dom

Occupation: full time video gamer

Wealth Status: pretty high

Experience: worked at some fast food resturants, kept eating the food so he got fired

Education: doesn't want to finish high school

School: good school

Grade: D- cause he doesn't care

Social Stereotype: couch potato

Motivation: video games, chips, coco

Priorities: having fun, being kind, living good, keeping coco happy

Philosophy: life's whatever

Etiquette: pretty bad manners but a gentleman with coco

Superstitions: knocking on wood

Main Goal: Live a fun life

Minor Goals/Ambitions: finishing that one level he can never get done

Career: video game designer (if he had the energy)

Skills/Talents: none except video games

Hobbies/Interests: video games, manga, biking, coco

Likes: many things

Dislikes: being outside, cactus juice, being told wht to do

Sense of Humor: he goes by all types of humor mostly ones that are about himself

Pet Peeves: trolls, people not reading everything that is shown, broken promises, people saying "its a lovely day outside."

Quirks: rolls around on the floor when really bored

Guilty Pleasure: yaoi

Strengths: confident

Flaws: blunt

Perception: the world is just a place that you exist

Conflicts: He wants to use as less energy as possible yet he uses all of his energy when he plays video games

Instincts: he can remember all of the names from the games and manga he has used

Lures: sloths and if someone has chips he will follow them

Soft Spot: sloths, little kids (when the behave), coco

Cruel Streak: muscle heads

Favorite Colors: orange, peach, black

Favorite Animals:sloths (duh)

Favorite Mythological Creatures: griffins

Favorite Places: anime conventions, coco's house

Favorite Landmarks: tokyo tower

Favorite Flavors: strawberry, mint,

Favorite Foods: cheese burgers, pizza, CHIPS

Favorite Drinks: any sort of soda and milk

Favorite Characters: King (7 deadly sins), Link (legend of zelda) Yoshi (mario)

Favorite Genre: action

Favorite Books: none

Favorite Movies: Wolf Children

Favorite Games: too many to count

Favorite Shows: too many to count

Favorite Music: anything not country

Favorite Numbers: 4411, 69, 42 and 9

Favorite Words: scrub, smol, fite

Least Favorite Colors: purple

Least Favorite Animals: spiders

Least Favorite Mythological Creatures: sirens

Least Favorite Places: school

Least Favorite Foods: cactus

Least Favorite Drinks: cactus juice, plain water

Languages: English, fluent

Accent: none

Voice: can range from low to high

Speech Impediments: says uhhhh way too much

Greetings and Farewells: yo, see-ya

State of Mind: bored and chill

Compliment: "I like your way of thinking."

Insult: "Just stop talking you scrub."

Expletive: scrub, shiz, frick, caca

Laughter: sweet sound but deep

Tag Line: dude seriously?

Signature Quote: "Do you want to hear about my love coco? :D"

Reputation: slob

First Impressions: total slob

Stranger Impressions: trash

Friendly Impressions: funny slob

Enemy Impressions: trash

Familiar Impressions: fun yet lazy trash (with affection)

Compliments: "good gamer."

Insults: lazy piece of trash

Self-Impression: chill dude that has an addiction

MBTI Personality Type: INTP

Symbol: sloth



Virtue: Humility

Defining Moment: winning in video games

Tropes: lazy