


6 years, 11 months ago


Name: Damian

Age: 116

Gender: Male

Species:Wispen [Closed species by GallowsInferno on Deviantart.com]

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Relationship Status: Single


  • Common: 
    • Body type
    • Upward pointed ears
    • Tiny fanged teeth
    • Skin tone
  • Uncommon: 
    • Pointed tongue
    • One set of horns
  • Rare: 
    • Two eyes
    • Double halos
  • Legendary: 
    • Horn length


While his attire may make him look the tall, dark, and mysterious type, don't let it fool you. Damian is a pretty relaxed and laid back kind of guy who is easy to get along with.  He's the friend that will laugh before helping you off the ground and asking if your okay. 


He likes to think that he does a good job raising and caring for his younger sister that he loves very much. He enjoys teasing his friends and family relentlessly about crushes and love interests.


Damian isn't fond of very serious people and tends to voice that they need to "lighten up and live a little."


Damian grew up in the Market District of Telvhen City on the planet Uuisipin  in the Nocia Galaxy. There he lived with his parents and his younger sister, Angel. While his parents meant well, they didn't really know how to care for the two siblings, often leaving them alone for long periods of time. Due to their parents always being gone, he was left to raise his younger sister on his own. Once he was old enough, he finally moved out his parents' home and into his own place, taking his sister with him. There, they were able to live happy lives with him getting a good job for himself in the Communications District of the city. He was able to quickly go through the ranks and became the lead officer in charge of the team tasked with over-watching the communications between the different districts of the city. With his new job, he was able to support himself and his sister well without worry of any problems.       


Damian is part of the lead team that keeps communications to the other regions running smoothly. He in particular is in charge of the communications between the different sectors of Telvah City. Even in the  work place, he finds time to crack jokes and lighten the mood. No matter what others say, he does take his job seriously...sorta. However, his is highly skilled in what he does and wouldn't have gotten to the position he was in if not for them. 


Angel (Ashiess) -  Younger sister


Ace (Abel-Killed-Cain)