Duds And Duncan's Comments

Hey o/

Back again, Would you do 25USD for them?

For past problems Da points are prefered sadly in this case

In that case would you do 2100 points

2000 is 25USD when buying and after converstion to CAD thats 30 which is my upper limit ^^

perfect! https://www.deviantart.com/martycesar this is my DA account for the points! when ill recive them imma transfer the baby to you ^^

Should have just sent, let my know if there is any issues

If there is I maybe be on late night tomorrow

got them u.u imma transfer the baby to you!

2 Replies

I could offer 1 Feral or human chibi

Examples: https://toyhou.se/10250205.art-examples

can't vibe with it sorry, but ty for offering!

i would like to trade for him look in all of my folders

https://toyhou.se/5377297.valentine is the only one who caught my interest 

sorry that would not be fair

Oh okidoki then, well other than them none caught my interest but ty for offering tho!