


2 years, 11 months ago


Name: Pebblebell 🔔 

- Responds to Bluebell or Bella

Age: 26 moons

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Lesbian

Clan&Rank: FeatherClan Warrior


Pebblebell is a bubbly, bright and friendly little cat. She’s kindhearted and open, always looking out to make new friends and help others- and almost always bouncing off the walls with energy. She has a childish, happy-go-lucky mindset and most would describe her as naive, as she has very little understanding of social cues and she’s... well, a bit slow. She’s more than willing to prove herself and would do anything for her clan and her family (and of course, her dearest Nightshade) but this little cat isn’t too bright and hasn’t got much in the ways of thinking for herself. She’s a sheep, a follower- a cat who can hardly plan her day, let alone for the future.

While she’s hardworking, sweethearted and fiercely loyal, she’s far from a natural leader or thinker and will panic under pressure. She can be indecisive and tends to look to the nearest cat who knows what they’re doing when things go wrong, but she’s a natural optimist with a positive outlook and will do her best to lift anyone’s feelings when they seem down. 

Pebblebell has the unfortunate tendency to obsessively latch onto cats and relentlessly beg and harass them for their attention until they give in. Because of this, coupled with her peppy, upbeat nature (and her squeakiness) it's not hard to find her annoying. She’s got a hardcore crush on the apparently ‘cursed’ medicine cat of FeatherClan, Nightshade, and will defend her and follow her till the day she dies. Pebblebell would do just about anything for Nightshade, and when the medicine cat is around you’ll usually find this fluffy grey cat lingering nearby.


Pebblebell, named Bluebell at birth for her bright blue eyes was born to a large family of cats that lived and roamed around on a nearby twoleg farm. Bluebell, or Bella, as her family called her, was just one of out of large family’s many kits. She had siblings, some from her litter, some from before her and some from after her, and was cared for by many aunts and uncles growing up.

 Bella was well-loved, well-fed by the farm twolegs and happy with her family, but as she grew the young cat begun to wander more and more. Eventually she stumbled upon a sleek, jet-black cat who called herself Nightpaw, a ‘medicine cat apprentice’ of ‘FeatherClan.’ 

Bella fell hard and fast. Whoever this mysterious cat was, and however much Nightpaw actually wanted Bella’s attention- Bella somehow kept managing to catch the clan cat on her own (with no clue about borders) and eventually, either annoyed or persuaded Nightpaw into letting her take her chances at joining FeatherClan. 

After much interrogation, Bella was reluctantly given a chance and took on the name Pebblepaw for her swirled grey coat, eventually earning her warrior name Pebblebell in remembrance of her name before. 

While she’s still on her way to being fully accepted in the clans she’s a friendly face and quite unbothered, as well as largely unaware of the glared and mutters at her, especially with the amount of time she spends lingering around Nightshade. Wherever the medicine cat goes, this certain little farmcat will never be far.

Family: NPCs/Open, primarily farmcats

Mate: Open, though very set on Nightshade!

Appearance: Pebblebell is a small, stout and stocky molly with thick, curly fur that’s so long it almost obscures her legs. Her grey pelt is swirled with patches of darker greys and whites, while white freckles dot her cheeks. 

Her features are rounded and she has a floppy left ear, as well as a bushy curled ringtail (which she is able to unfurl and move about at will) Her paw pads and twitchy little nose share the same pale pink hue and her large, babyish eyes are a bright blue.

Art Credit: - Me!