

3 years, 1 month ago


  • Vessel

  • image0.png
  • age 23
  • gender Shovel
  • Status???
  • theme

“If you were in My shoes, you’d walk the same damn miles i do.”


The strange Gravekeeper of Lutzworn Cemetery. A soul best left alone to his own devices, he doesn’t take kindly to trespassers after visiting hours are over.

 "You wash your hands of where you’ve been." 

height 5’7

build Lean/Inverted triangle

pronouns He/Him

weight 110 lbs

dob July 12th

sign Cancer

Scent Dirt and Iron

occupation Gravekeeper

mbti ISTJ-A

demeanor Serious, Stern

Weapon Shovel

Favorite food Plain rice cakes

FavoriTe driNk Black coffee

vOice 🖤


  • Peace and quiet
  • Solitude
  • The dark
  • Full moons


  • Loud noises/commotions 
  • Unwarranted company
  • Complacency/Being unproductive 
  • Splinters 
  • Morning newspapers & Mailmen

“We’ve all got evidence of innocence— it’s ‘everything’s coincidence’!”

The quiet and standoffish man working at the Lutzworn cemetery stationed on front street, Vessel is not exactly ...pleasant to be around. He’s stern, silent unless spoke to and probably hasn’t seen the light of day for weeks or months. Along with a tendency to shoo off visitors if he can, he’s best described as cynical and calculating.

“Still, forsaken shoulders fall silent now.”

Henry Rasquez.

That name has been lost to time, hasn’t it?

“You could break an angel’s fall, and ignore the Devil’s call.”

Vessel works alone in the cemetery on front street, tending to the graves by night and cleaning up the mess left over during the day. He’s never usually seen much during the day, however, preferring to work under the cover of the night. Along with seeing that the graves are tended to, he also takes on the task of burying the bodies themselves and seeing that they don’t get out. He’s the sole tender, holding all access keys in the pocket of his hoodie.


- His left leg is completely broken.

- He’s incapable of feeling pain, which is why he can’t tell that his leg is as bad as it is. He doesn’t feel the pain from still applying pressure onto it.

- He limps when he walks.

- His halo is only visible in the dark, and to people with sixth senses. His eyes appear brown to normal humans.

- He only speaks when spoken to.

- He’s extremely slow to express any other emotion then stern indifference.

- He’s never been seen eating before, though he is capable.

- He lives in a small, two bedroom apartment only a five minute walk away from the graveyard. 

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