


6 years, 11 months ago


♫    Profile 

Name: Cassiel "Cass"

Age: Pupper! (4-5 years old, doggo equivalent)

Gender: Male

Species: Waterdog

Type: Breeding event (June)

Sexual Orientation: Homosexual

Status: Single not looking to mingle

Preferences: He's a pupper ,,, ,, , ,,


Cassiel is very easy-going and happy-go-lucky when it comes to personality. He is practically always cheerful and isn't fussy over anything. While he's a docile and kind pupper, he can be somewhat stubborn on occasion, just like his father. He's excitable and love love loves to climb all over other waterdogs. What a curious pupper indeed.


+ Taking flights with Tiffany and Igneel!! They are the most comfy doggos to sit on  

+ Playing with his sisters 

+ Movie nights 

+ Bath time


- Not being able to fly 

- Others needing to take care of him 

- Being doted on

♫    Background

Cass lives with his mother and siblings at his mother's home. He's been there as long as he can remember, and he loves spending his days with his two younger sisters. He and his mother often do things together, as he is a momma's boy at heart. However, this is not to say that he and his father don't have any guy time. As a puppy, Cass is almost pitifully bad with flying, as he can hardly generate enough lift to get off the ground, and the most he can do is glide from high places. Despite his mother's and her friend's best efforts, it just did not seem like he was going to be able to fly. 

♫    Drawing Notes

Please take note that his eye color is blue! The ones on the design reference have not been colored and therefore I would prefer you to go by the eye color on other images in his gallery.

♫    Species Info

Masterlist Entry: 865

Rarity chart:

Common Uncommon Rare Very Rare


Non-tan sand

Wave tail

Wave hair
