


6 years, 9 months ago




 Name Cyper Myrow
 MEANING Ash (sápe̊ŕ)

 Age10 years (adult)

 Sex Female

 Species Tegakeran

 Subspecies N/A

 Height04'00" / 122 cm

 Weight180 lb / 081 kg

 Gender Cisgender

 Pronouns She/her

 Sexuality Asexual
 Romanticism Aromantic


Protective . Caring . Loyal . Intimidating
Hot-headed . Defiant . Judgmental . Lonely

Cyper is a fairly standard tegakeran, being predominantly covered in short, coarse, green fur, with a dark mane that starts on her crown, runs down her neck, and stops on her shoulders. She has two sets of sharp horns, the first set on top of her head being large and hooking forward, while the second set rests in front of her ears and hook upwards. Her tail is long, expressive, and flexible, with a tuft on the end. From the elbows and ankles down she has scales, and her white-toed paws have retracile claws. Her underside also has scales, starting on her chest and ending a third of the way down her tail.

Prideful, aggressive, confident, and defiant, Cyper can be rather judgmental, easily assuming intent, and those who oppose her will find her even less willing to hear them out. She's quick to apply intimidation tactics to gain control of a situation, and is more than ready to back up her threats with force if words alone aren't convincing enough. Though as long as you treat her respectfully, she can reasonable.

While it can take her a while to trust someone, once she considers them an ally Cyper will protect them to the bitter end. She takes slights against them as slights against herself, and will defend them as viciously as she would defend herself.

Despite her strong, aggressive front, when behind closed doors where she's comfortable and relaxed, she can be very caring and calm, especially with those weaker than herself. The moment the doors reopen however, she'll be quick to bristle back up.

Cyper spends much of her time alone. She would never openly admit it, but deep down she doesn't prefer it, feeling very lonely most of the time. Still, she feels it's necessary to keep her allies safe from her fanbeian.


When any abilities are in use, Cyper's pupils widen and glow a pale yellow. She cannot use fire/smoke and flight simultaneously.


Fire Affinity 
Cyper can generate heat/fire from any part of her body, and while in use this also prevents her from being damaged by heat.


The four spots on Cyper's back can open and project glowing translucent wings. While this is active, Cyper levitates and uses her wings to angle and propel herself. The wing spots are extremely sensitive and any contact is painful, comparable to one's corneas. Touching a wing spot will cause it to reflexively close and the associated wing to disappear.

The wings themselves are tangible despite their appearance, and can be damaged. Damaging the wings is uncomfortable, but after a moment the associated wing spot will "blink" and create a new one.


Fanbeian Form 
Cyper is afflicted with a fanbeian. Cyper's fanbeian, which she named Haelyon for convenience, most often affects her mind, injecting criticism, negativity, doubt, and hatred wherever they see fit.

Haelyon is also capable of possessing Cyper, though only tends to do so when they feel she's been too happy for too long, or if they feel especially strongly about something, though this is exceptionally rare. When possessing Cyper, her appearance and behavior change drastically.

Haelyon feels no pain or exhaustion, and has increased strength and improved senses. Their goal is usually to turn Cyper's allies against her by attacking them, thereby sewing distrust and hatred in them and guilt in Cyper. They tend to specifically avoid killing Cyper's allies, preferring they be alive so they can hate and fear her.

Haelyon will also possess Cyper if her life is at risk, since they may be more capable of moving to a safer location or neutralizing the threat without being distracted by things like pain or altruism.


When possessed by Haelyon, Cyper's fire affinity is modified into a smoke ability instead. Haelyon is unable to generate fire, but is able to generate an extremely hot, thick, suffocating black smoke from anywhere on their body. Likewise they aren't immune to fire, but are resistant to high temperatures.


Cyper was born in the Varisvaara Clan to Brisea Gawenn and Zarmun Myrow. She was the second child of the pair, after their first child, Kanthon Gawenn, failed the clan's coming-of-age trial called the Edisenya and was exiled.

Due to this harsh upbringing, where Brisea hardly acknowledged Cyper existed due to being deeply depressed over the loss of Kanthon, and Zarmun seemed to only bark criticism and orders at her, Cyper grew to hate her parents and would become extremely standoffish, refusing to take them seriously and actively defying their orders. Still, Zarmun did what he could to prepare Cyper for the Edisenya.

Between training, Cyper met another Varisvaaran tegakeran her age, named Lyxob. The firstborn of his parents, Lyxob had a reputation for having been "babied" by them, raised kindly and with light training. Most knew he wouldn't pass the Edisenya and refused to associate with him, but Cyper formed a close bond with him, fascinated by his unusually pacifistic disposition and wanting to protect him from those who sought to exploit him or treat him cruelly.

Knowing him and how he was raised made Cyper more critical of Varisvaara as a whole, seeing less and less reason for the harsh treatment of its members and their young. Knowing him also caused Cyper to encounter Marikai, the epitome of Varisvaara's values; another member around their age who believed fully in the strong dominating the weak, and thus dedicated her spare time to finding and harassing Lyxob. However, while she could overpower Lyxob easily, she couldn't beat Cyper.

One day Marikai boldly approached Cyper and Lyxob. But as Cyper prepared for the usual tussle, Marikai surprised her with two additional allies she had made, and together they took down Cyper easily, and left deep scars on her face as permanent reminders of them humiliating her.

After this, Cyper and Lyxob attempted to avoid Marikai's group to avoid conflict, but they would specifically track the two down to harass them. Having had enough, eventually Cyper decided to find Marikai's allies when they were away from her and attack them individually, leaving them too injured to want to help Marikai, and then went after Marikai herself. Although Cyper emerged from the ordeal injured, most notably with a deep gash in her leg, the satisfaction was worth it.


"A big part of your life will be spent hunting.
Prove your prowess, your ability to feed yourself and your clan."

The words of Varisvaara's leader were the signal for the whelps to begin the first challenge of the Edisenya; prey-catching. They leaped into an enclosed area filled with prey and were tasked with each bringing two carcasses to the adult on the other side. A challenge that was difficult to fail, though still not without trouble, mainly wrought by Marikai and her friends, who had recovered and were now more spiteful than ever. Cyper was able to finish her task, but Lyxob continued getting his catches stolen by Marikai or her friends. Fighting wasn't allowed in this challenge, but running by and snatching kills was easily excused by the overseers.

Cyper would end up catching additional prey for Lyxob, excusing it as further proof of her being able to provide for the clan, and finally allowing him to move on to the next stage.

"Sometimes your kill will be contested, prove you can defend yourself and your kill."

A challenge focused on one-on-one sparring, where one must defend the prey they got before. Cyper immediately took advantage of this setup to attack Marikai viciously, partially blinding her, though before she could take Marikai's prey she realized Lyxob was getting overpowered by Marikai's friends and left to help him, with all of them being careful to abide by technicalities and never quite fight two-on-one.

"Your wings may fail you, your allies may leave you. Overcome the terrain without them."

The final challenge of Edisenya was to climb a steep, rocky wall, and then descend the other side, all without the use of any magic or help. Cyper and Lyxob made good progress, but near the top Marikai caught up to Cyper and pulled her back, making her lose her footing and fall the rest of the way down, incapacitating her and causing her to fail.

Upon seeing this, Lyxob instinctively went down to check on her, using his flight without thinking about it and also causing him to fail.


The punishment for failing the Edisenya was, in itself, another sort of challenge for the whelps. Their wing spots would be sliced through; a mark of their failure that doubled to disable their wings until they could heal, and then they would be blindfolded and taken far from Varisvaara and each other, where they would be abandoned. Should they survive, recover, and make their way back to Varisvaara, they would be welcomed as full members, as though they had passed the Edisenya.

When Cyper could see again, she was no longer in her familiar golden forest, but a verdant green one. She was unceremoniously dumped into the shrubbery and left there by the unknown adult, surrounded by the strange sounds and smells, yet still unable to move from her injuries.

The immense stress and pain led to her losing consciousness, and when she awoke she could hear light footfalls disturbing the foliage. A party of makaudas had found her, having followed the smell of blood expecting wounded prey. After some debate amongst themselves, they chose to bring her back to their skulk, called Dayrich.

Once there, the skulk's healers patched her up (albeit cautiously), then left her alone to recover. A makauda yearling took advantage of this time to sneak in, overwhelmed with curiosity about the unfamiliar creature. Wanting to stay in the skulk's good graces for now, Cyper refrained from sending them away.

She learned their name was Zefanekha, though it was common practice for makaudas to shorten their names and to just call them Z. They quizzed her extensively, curious about the terrifying beasts to the east they had always heard about and how she was apparently one of them, yet didn't seem particularly vicious. Cyper was also intrigued by this perception of her kind, though couldn't help linking it up to her more recent feelings about Varisvaara.

In the middle of this, the skulk's leader came to see Cyper and introduced themself as Deseneia, or Neia. They sent Z away and then explained Cyper's situation to her.

In exchange for the skulk sparing her life, she would stay with them, live as they live, and help them by using her fire and flight in service to them. Cyper immediately disliked this arrangement being forced onto her, but knowing the alternative would be worse, she bit her tongue and agreed to their terms.

After Cyper fully recovered, Neia explained in further detail what her life in the skulk would entail. Due to her inability to safely engage with spirits, she would permanently be a low rank among them, as anyone spiritually disinclined within the skulk would be, meaning she would need to behave with deference around most skulkmates. She would only use her fire when told, due to the danger it posed in their forest home. Finally, she was assigned the role of hunter, and as the lowest among them would heed the orders of all other hunters, especially those of the lead, Irzhuno.

Cyper bristled at this arrangement, immediately annoyed with the emphasis on how lowly and insignificant she was compared to other skulk members. But having been raised with a constant looming fear of being outside of safe territories due to the risk of abduction by terixtas, she felt she had no choice but to agree, lest she be cast out.

She would live with the makaudas for around half a year, abiding by their rules and routines without major incidents, biting her tongue and keeping her head low. Their reception of her presence remained mixed though; from the moment she arrived many makaudas didn't approve, seeing her as anything from an unpredictable danger, to a beacon that would catch the attention of terixtas or other tegakerans and possibly put skulkmates at risk, to just an outright oddity that didn't belong among them; a makauda skulk harboring a cast-off tegakeran was unprecedented to them.

Z remained friendly with her all the while, even when their peers ostracized them for it. They couldn't understand why everyone seemed to give Cyper a hard time; sure, tegakerans were dangerous and all, but Cyper clearly wasn't and hadn't given any reason to think otherwise. This small bit of support was primarily what helped Cyper tolerate the rest of Dayrich, but over time even that wasn't enough, and her spitefulness began to emerge. Her tone became sharper, snappy quips and comments began as unheard murmurs but would soon reach the other's ears. She had grown in this time, and now she often couldn't help but look down on the makaudas in more ways than just literal.

The breaking point came when a member of the skulk was found dead near the hunters' route. Without even beginning to evaluate the hunters or even the cause of death, already a few makaudas blamed Cyper. And every detail about the victim was somehow linked back to her, no matter how far-fetched.

She's been mean-mugging her skulkmates for months, she was just looking for an opportunity!
Hochagia was already sick, it would be the perfect coverup!
She even ate part of them, there's no way others may have gotten to them already!

Before Neia could speak with her, which Cyper was sure they would, she had made her choice. She was sick of life in Dayrich, sick of being surrounded by those who openly hated and suspected her. If she went back to Varisvaara, she would be welcomed by her kind with open arms, praised for surviving so long without them and making the journey back. Maybe Lyxob would even be there waiting for her.


While flying over the sparse woods of godsblood forest, Cyper noticed something moving across the ground. It was a mikoura, and beyond it was a handful of thonerix. She realized quickly what was going on and dove down to help them.

They were in bad shape, malnourished, exhausted, and tattered, littered with old scars and fresh wounds. Yet still they had been determinedly running from their pursuers, which were thonerix having one of their blood hunts, where they release a prisoned creature just for the sport of hunting it down and executing it.

Quickly the thonerix noticed the interference and cried out in both alarm and excitement, having now two targets to hunt instead of just a single bedraggled one. She took him onto her back and tried to take flight, but the thonerix in this area were known to be skilled in striking down tegakerans in flight, and she was forced down. Without any other options, she raced towards Kridalis, determined to save the mikoura from the cruelty of terixtas.

Although they nicked her with their spears many more times, she did successfully reach the cave, forcing them to abandon the hunt due to it being a respected sanctuary. Finally, with a moment of peace, she spoke to the mikoura.

They expressed immense gratitude and introduced themself as Rasa, a mikoura cast off from their pack and snatched up by Klaksavyl some time ago. The two spoke for some time until an immense dread gripped Cyper, making her skin crawl and fur bristle. Hundreds of voices exploded into her head in an instant, a cacophony of noise that soon congealed into one cohesive sound. It greeted her with malice, speaking of retribution and endless suffering. She could make little sense of it, but nonetheless she knew what it was; a fanbeian.

Her limbs became numb and her awareness faded. She didn't know how much time had passed, but she soon awoke not far from where she last remembered. The taste of blood in her mouth was new, and she couldn't immediately see Rasa. She feared the worst, but they soon emerged, gazing at her with a look of wide-eyed confusion and fear that would haunt her.

After they both collected themselves, Cyper apologized and explained what had happened. Despair flooded over her, for a tegakeran with a fanbeian would never be welcome among their own kind again, and she had already abandoned those who were willing to show her kindness. Rasa explained that they were also not welcome among mikouras, as they were marked by the spirits of their pack. Ultimately the two, who'd done wrong or been wronged by others, would decide to stick together and stake out their own territory.

"How does.. Kanyava Pack sound?"


Rasa    Unrelated Close Friend Living
An unexpected but incredibly valued friend. Cyper met them when she rescued them from one of Klaksavyl's blood hunts. After this, the two became inseparable. Rasa reminds Cyper heavily of Lyxob, to the point that at times she can project onto them, but she's made efforts to control this. Overall she sees Rasa as kind, weak, and in need of protection, though acknowledges they have a shockingly strong will and sharp mind.


Zefanekha    Unrelated Liked Living
Her first friend following her exile, whom she met while recovering in Dayrich. While she viewed them as somewhat annoying at times, they were one of the few makaudas in Dayrich to not be suspicious and disdainful towards her. After abandoning Dayrich, she tries not to think about Z much, as she feels guilty for saying nothing to them and just leaving.


Lyxob Feregin    Unrelated Childhood Friend Living?
Her childhood best friend. A kind soul in a harsh world, Cyper felt compelled to protect and care for Lyxob as he was often targeted by other young tegakerans for being easy to bully. When alone he would often stay out of sight, sneaking around Varisvaara to regularly meet with Cyper. After both he and Cyper failed the Edisenya, they were taken to different areas of Artveir, and Cyper has never found him again. While the thought of him being dead does loom in the back of her mind, she still hopes to find him one day.


Marikai Bruxis    Unrelated Despised Living
A childhood rival. Cyper had an extremely antagonistic relationship with Marikai, mostly because of Marikai often bullying Lyxob. While Marikai was stronger than Lyxob, she was not stronger than Cyper, and most fights ended with Marikai having to flee- until Marikai accrued a group of friends to be able to fend off Cyper. This allied group persisted into the Edisenya and was the main reason Cyper and Lyxob failed. Cyper's time in exile has only made this hatred fester, and if given the opportunity she would not hesitate to kill Marikai.


Brisea Gawenn    Mother Hated Living?
Her mother, who barely had any impact on her life. Since Cyper was born, Brisea had always been very quiet, subdued, and apathetic, never saying or doing much and hardly acknowledging Cyper as her own offspring. By listening to her father, Cyper gathered this persisting depression was caused by losing Kanthon. While dismissive of her mother before, after learning this Cyper became outright antagonistic, detesting Brisea for never acknowledging her and practically giving up on her chances of passing the Edisenya from the start.


Zarmun Myrow    Father Respected Living?
Her father, and the one responsible for training her in preparation for the Edisenya. She saw him as harsh, stubborn, and stupid, and would very often butt heads with him over the tactics he was trying to teach her, as even from a young age she believed she knew better and that he just wouldn't listen to her long enough to understand why she was right. Now, long into her exile and after reflecting on her childhood, she begrudgingly acknowledges that she was an arrogant child who did not, in fact, know better, and she carries a sense of guilt surrounding him.


Kanthon Gawenn    Older Brother Disliked Living?
A brother who she never met, as he had failed the Edisenya and been exiled long before she was born. She only knows him through stories and overhearing her parents discussing him. Based on this, she's gathered that he was brought up much more kindly than she was, and her parents blame their lack of discipline and training for his failure, leading to their colder and harsher methods of raising her. She resents him for being weak and taking away the kindness she should have received.


  • She was my third sona ever, created at age 10.
  • Her name originates from a corruption of "Cynder." from Spyro. This is because my first deviantART account, which had cynder in its name, got COPPA banned. I then made a new one and came up with a sound that was vaguely related to cynder. Then later on, I saw someone whose sona matched their username, and my mind was blown for some reason, so I wanted to make a character to name Cyper.
  • I wanted her birthday to be when this second deviantART account was made, but in lieu of eclipse removing any and all indicators of exact account creation I was unable to find that date. So instead, I got my original account unbanned and checked the last journal I ever uploaded (which given the frequency I posted them should serve as an accurate time of death, and thus indicate about when I made the second account.) This turned out to be Nov 16, 2008, 6:00 PM EST.

  • Wide-open areas
  • Howling wind
  • Overcooked/burnt food
  • Overcooked/burnt food
  • Respect
  • Distance
  • Warmth

  • Darkness
  • Wet mud
  • Raw fish
  • Very soft food
  • Cold, wet food
  • Orders, demands
  • Needing help
  • Disrespect
  • Small spaces
  • Cold

  • Atychiphobia
    The fear of failure. Due to her upbringing, Cyper feels a constant pressure to win, succeed, and be superior to and stronger than those around her, which is what prompts much of her overly-aggressive behavior. This also means she absolutely detests failing and needing assistance, and vastly prefers to handle things herself. Often after being helped, she'll shut down towards whoever helped her, especially if they mention the incident.

  • Catlike body language and mannerisms; tail lashing when irritated or twitching when excited, immediately acting casual after a blunder, etc.



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Album: Meteora


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Album: Daughtry


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Title: Somewhere I Belong (Instrumental)
Artist: Linkin Park
Album: Meteora


Title: The Scramble
Artist: Unknown
Album: Dragon Rage (PS2) OST

Meta Information
 Creator MisterMuse

 Creation November 18 2008

 Universe Original

 CWs None

 Status Not for trade/sale

 Value$452.00 (Dec 09 2023)

 Acquisition Created

 Rules ToS
 Original post Flash maker

 Gift art? Yes!

 With Other OCs? Yes, not romantically

 Blood? Yes!

 Gore? Yes

 Drug use? No

 Alcohol use? No

 Nudity?Ken doll
 Sexual NSFW? No


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