


3 years, 24 days ago


alignment: chaotic neutral

info currently under co as i'm revamping her backstory a bit. 

note: her story takes place before the events featuring fleur and isaac when dragons still roamed the land of ithressa. 

full name is kalsylwyn (kal-sil-win) wynsandoral (win-san-doh-raal). nickname is kalys. elven draconic bloodline sorcerer. age 218. gained powers by making pact with a white dragon. has a half-elven son named taryn cardis that she would freeze the world twice over for. even though she loves him dearly, she doesn't have a lot of faith in him, and can be a little smothering when it comes to keeping him safe. she literally loses it whenever he's hurt, on a rampage for blood if it's by another person's hand. has a love-hate relationship with another fellow elf, amrynn naevaryn, but their relationship is strained/more on the physical side due to hang-ups over amrynn hurting her son. her oldest friend is an elderly elf named savaros arvano (twin brother is kavaroa), who keeps vigil over kalys's son when she isn't around. 

she falls into a troubling love triangle between amrynn and elyndra when the latter elf welcomes her warmly into her people of the bramblebriar woods. kalys feels inclined to leave all of her troubles and connections behind (beside bringing her son to the woods) as a friendship blossoms between her and elyndra (with elyndra leaning a bit more into their connection upon developing one-sided feelings for her; which itself is tenacious what with elyndra having once sworn off love/not entertained a relationship in over a thousand years). however, her past connections to criminality thanks to amrynn--and lingering romantic feelings/still entertaining a physical one--makes it difficult to cut ties completely. 

random factoids: 

  • her body is clammy to the touch because the magic in her blood keep her temperature low. she suffers in very hot weather as a result.
  • since she's the first receiver of a draconic boon, it's taken to her relatively well, but still with some drawbacks. her scales are known to be uncomfortable/itchy, so she has to bathe on the norm to feel better. she uses specific bath salts to help with her condition. 
  • her nails are always long, and rather hard/stiff due in part to her magic. she can break them, but it takes some effort to do so (and it's one of her pet peeves). her nails grow relatively fast, taking about a week if cut or damaged.