

Name Lucy Monallo
Nickname Sparks
Age 32
Gender Female
Race Human
Occupation Superhero/Between jobs
Orientation Pansexual
Theme Song link


  • Rock Music
  • Weaponry
  • Animals


  • Rain
  • Insects
  • Clowns


Lucy 'Sparks' Monallo didnt think about life as a double sided coin. There wasnt good and bad, rich or poor. There is an aray of decisions one makes that deside their fate. Sometimes destiny has a funny way of bringing back karma. For our electrifying hero, her life started out drowning in greed. Coming up from that past and learning how to live amongst society, Lucy tries hard to maintain the honest life. While she can have quite the temper and flare, the woman is not without her tender heart. Like an open book, she wears her emotions easily, her powers often taking the hit as a result.

While most women her age were out getting their own career and improving their lives, Lucy was busy trying to keep herself out of prison. While she truly didn't mean to cause trouble for things that happened to her, living a life in Gotham was no easy fee. But of course, she tried to make the best of it. Finding it hard to open up, she can sometimes seem more bitchy and or heartless than intended. Finding a ray of sunlight at the end of some tunnels, the blonde misguided young adult comes out with motivating speeches that help even the saddest of individuals. Usually seen wearing a grey suit with a blue spark flare as the logo on her uniform, Sparks has no idea what her true purpose is as she continues to hide her identity for fear of returning to prison. Out of her normal uniform, the woman is often in blue jeans and button ups. Her hair, when charged up, is a beautiful golden, her locks beaming in the sunlight. When her power is weakened, or when she wants to return to her ordinary life, she depletes herself, causing her powers to dim as her hair returns to its natural brown and blonde tipped strands, falling to her shoulders.


Gaining the ability to control and produce electricity from her body cells and powered products around her, Lucy has taken a long road to discovering her talents. While she wasnt born with the power, she now takes great responsiblity in keeping herself and everyone around her safe from the dangers they face. Forcing herself to constantly burn out outside of her uniform, she is always timid on the idea of dating, or holding hands with the general public. Unpredictable and tied to her emotions, her electric powers have been known to hurt those she loved, causing her to reel back and evaulate how she handles them.


(I suck at spacing in code!)

Born and raised in Gotham City, Lucy Diamond Monallo grew up like any other. She went to school, she got average grades, and sometimes she even got grounded. Learning the difference between right and wrong at a young age, their life in Gotham seemed quiet and peaceful. Until it soon became home to the city's worst villains. Watching her parents fight as usual, the brunette girl eventually found herself cooping up in her room. While her parents fought on jobs and the city's danger levels throughout the years, her older brother often tried to reassure Lucy that everything was going to be okay. While she loved her brother for his sensitive and caring side, a part of her just continued to shut him out. He was a boy, what would he know about her feelings?

Growing up wanting to get attention from her parents, she often found it getting yelled at more then anything. She knew they loved her, but being so busy with them both working, they hardly even had any time to get to know the real her. The Lucy she wanted them to know was a simple, nerdy girl who loved cartoons and enjoyed playing around. Not some troublesome teenager that they wished was more like her perfect brother with straight A's and a future degree in law. Finding herself starting to hangout with the wrong crowds of people, Lucy had soon begun to lose sight of what was really important, love and trust. Getting caught thieving while her so called friends bailed out at the sound of police, the brunette soon discovered how wrong she was. Being too young to arrest, officers often scolded the teenager with warnings, as did her parents.

Learning from her mistakes and graduating high school, Lucy found herself unknowing as to what career she would be great at. Thankfully not having a criminal record slapped on her profile, the young adult had begun to look around for local jobs to support any college funds. Working in retail for a few years, Lucy often found herself liking the idea of helping people. While it was simple and insignificant, seeing smiles through the dark city made her feel at ease. That’s when it hit her, she wanted to be in the line of work that helped people. But what kind of work? Not knowledgeable in the health fields, Lucy often questioned what other alternatives that there were. Getting a few good words of advice from her brother, the medium and somewhat skinny woman decided it was time for a change. With Sebastian telling her to look into law on a different field, she briefly considered it. Certainly not wishing to be a lawyer, the idea of helping save lives did appeal to her.

Turning to her frame and starting to work out more, her changes weren’t drastic, however they helped as she found herself starting to gain muscle weight. Quitting her retail job and thinking she might not need it anymore, it didn’t occur to Lucy just how hard it was to get into the training academy. Going through the classes and learning more about their city and the law's that bind it, the brunette eventually found herself unwilling to commit as the tasks grew harder and harder. Eventually dropping out after a year and a half, she now found herself more stuck then ever. Needing a job now to pay her parents rent, Lucy had begun working at a bank further into down town Gotham. While it seemed like a good idea at the time, little did she know that it would change her life forever.

It was a dark and gloomy night as always, the little amount of foot steps often told her how non busy they were near closing. Unaware of what was to happen, Lucy had begun to zone out as her employee's often bickered over who would graduate at the top of their classes. Snapping out of her stupor at the sound of gun shots, her ears could hear a numb ringing from the loud screaming as her eyes widened. Not quite understanding what was happening, the room begun to fill with white clown painted men as she continued to evaluate the situation. Coming in mentally to muffled voices talking to her, green orbs turned to glance in the direction when she saw him... White skinned and unlike the others, his blood red twisted grin was one she would never forget. Finally tuning in to their words, it seemed her employee's were telling her to get down as the creepy man continued to just smile and stare at her. Blinking and wondering why she should cooperate with a robbery when it wasn’t their money to take, the goon in white had attempted to shove her down with force. Blasting her with the back side of his gun, Lucy fell to the floor with a grunt.

Hearing a nerve bending laugh that could silence anyone, it seemed the Joker was amused at her bravery. Clapping and shoving his employee away, the clown in charge offered her a hand to stand. Looking up in disbelief, Lucy reached up as if to take it before shifting to the left. Pressing an emergency button that was directly near her and under the desk, the doors themselves seemed to come down with a heavy metal as the place begun to lock the criminals in. While the clown turned to Lucy, the Joker never seemed to grow angry as he laughed harder with creepy intent.

Getting to the ground fully and covering her head as if expecting a life ending blow, the sound of sirens could be heard not far off as the clown's voice ordered his goons to different locations. Getting picked off the ground by a few of those mindless drones, Lucy struggled to get free. Setting off an explosion to the back of the brick wall, The Joker seemed to be a master at this game of chase. Getting blindfolded and thrown into the back of what felt like a cold hard van full of equipment, Lucy tried to stay strong. Questions begun to pop into her mind, ones that normally wouldn’t if she was safe. Was she ever going to see her family again? Was she going to get sold into some freaky slavery? Or was she just going to get murdered in a slow and painful way? Time seemed to stand still for the young adult when the van finally stopped moving. Glad to not be hitting the walls from side to side, her mental state was in complete shreds as her breathing refused to calm down.

Waking up sometime later and unsure as to how she had gotten asleep, Lucy could finally see again as her vision cleared. Wishing she hadn’t within seconds of remembering what happened, her face was rippled with confusion as to what expression to use. Surrounded by the copy cat goons and tied to a weird feeling chair, the room itself was dark and unpleasant. While the scent itself was nauseating, the feeling of being sticky on the seat had the dark haired woman even more concerned. Not wishing for her to wait long, the Joker finally made an appearance from a particularly bright room. Laughing and speaking in his insane yet somehow cocky tone, a blade was held from his hand as her skin froze in place. Guiding it over parts of her body and cutting some clothing from the seams, his words were beyond hurtful and humiliating as more layers of skin were becoming more visible to the eye.

Wanting to cry and unable to really do anything but stay in shock, her expression didn’t seem to please the crazed man as he soon moved to a different objective. Wanting to see the goose bumps on her skin as she screamed out in terror, the notorious super villain worked on trying a new technique each and every day. But everyday, it seemed the same. Coming and going as he pleased, Lucy was continuously watched in her wake and sleep by his drones, not allowed a second to herself. Without food or water for what felt like an eternity, her strength was weakened as was her will power to survive. Starting to grow tired and dull in her days as his experiment, Lucy finally managed to gain the courage to speak. Asking an odd but fair question as to why the chair smelled like gross rotting food, the Joker responded with a simple answer, the truth. After all this time, Lucy had been sitting in left over’s from the last person.. they tortured. Wanting to gag, the Joker cackled in his own messed up way at her sudden sickness.

Growing quite tired of the woman now half dead in his chair, the Joker had finally given the order that his men were waiting for. Lighting a switch, Lucy Diamond Monallo was glancing around the room at all of them in question when her voice erupted an awful and agonizing scream. Laughing at her face and finally able to see a different side to her, the Joker had nearly broken the system as he raised the electricity levels beyond anything a normal human being could take. Awaiting an explosion from the girl at any moment, her screams and blood curdling cries were like a wonderful dream made right.

Getting distracted by the slamming of the door, the Joker was about to ignore the call when a familiar voice echoed through the heavy metal. Noticing it was none other then Harley telling them that the cops were there, the white skinned leader cursed under his breath before blowing a kiss goodbye to his test subject and leaving through a secret exit with his men. Never turning the machine off, within time, the entire gauge exploded from the pressure as the electricity finally stopped.

While her body was seemingly still in one piece, her appearance was far from alright. Burnt to the bone and no longer even conscious, the police had finally busted down the door when they stumbled upon her. Bringing the seemingly dead body to the hospital, the doctor was sure she had passed. Before taking her away however, a single nurse had passed by the body when she thought she saw a sign of a heart beat. Immediately sending her into a coma in hopes of saving her life, the doctors had slowly begun to work with what they could on her skin.

Months had passed, and the girl that once came in was not the same girl they looked upon today. Now blonde in hair, Lucy's skin was somehow paler as her abrasions and burns seemed to no longer exist. Waking up and unsure how she came to be, it took doctors and police countless times trying to explain to her just how lucky she really was. Going home for the first time in forever, Lucy's family welcomed her back with open arms. Now realizing how much she loved and appreciated them, she could f put her old childish self to rest. Spending the rest of the day to herself, the now blonde had curled up in her own bed, and for once since all of this happened, she cried.

-- [Four Years Later.] Finding out new and improving things about her powers each and every day, the simplest touch to a building can cause the power to blow. Between losing her cool and accidentally sending her brother to the hospital for the first time since she was back, Lucy had to make a decision. Leaving her family home and renting an apartment, the new woman found herself more cold and heartless as she moved on with her life. Asking herself questions as to why she survived and where was he now, none of it ever really helped her mood. Never returning to that bank, the green eyed woman tried to erase everything from her old life. Never being able to touch the ones she loved, her name was the last to go as she soon took on a new leaf. Lucy was no longer able to hold up to her standards and past, now, Sparks was all that remained. Running from place to place each and every time she gets kicked out from blowing the power, she learned slowly and with practice, to control her powers. Investing in electric cancelling gloves, she now lives her life the only way she knows how. Using her skills from a child to steal from the higher-ups and below, often enough, banks would find themselves robbed right under their nose. Did she ever truly feel bad about it? A little, but more or less, she never had to cause trauma to another to attain the money, and that alone was worth the price. Mysterious and sly, Sparks works to keep her secret identity not just a thieving one, but one where she could be proud of.

Stopping bad guys from time to time, it wasn’t really something she was too good at, but she got it done. Helping the police where she could and thankful for their help in finding her, she often tried to replay the favor. And just helping out in secret when she can was worth living for her. Wanting to join a bigger cause, Sparks often is looking for something she can belong to, some place with people that would understand. Until then, she hides in the shadows as she sneaks around to survive. More importantly, in her own way, keeping hidden was always a meaning for something far deeper. She needed to allow her past monsters to think the old Lucy was dead, and to her, she really was.

Diving into It:

Hair: Naturally born a brunette, Lucy's hair has a unique characteristic about it. Now a pure blonde due to an event in her past, her hair has a way of telling you when she is most vulnerable. For when her hair gets wet, or when she's burnt out, her long locks begin to turn a dark brown once more. So whats the big deal? Electricity only flows through her body when its dry. Meaning, brown hair = less to no powers. Blonde hair = Powers. While it's certainly no off switch, it will help determine her electric levels.

Powers: Due to withstanding much more electricity then a normal human being could handle, Sparks is said to attain an interesting gift. Holding the power of electricity in her very hands, it is said that the longer she touches you, the longer your body is zapped with hundreds of currents running through your veins. Making that mistake more then often enough, Sparks keeps her gloves on for the protection of others. Why? Because she has yet to learn how to control it. Being said, one strong grip could send a normal human into the hospital, let alone shock punching an enemy.

Skills: Great at controlling electrical equipment around her, Sparks is often using this to her advantage. Whether she's wiring something up for research or shutting down a bank, her powers are a wonderful asset. While she's quite unsure on what side of the law she wishes to be on, Sparks knows that she would rather save an innocent life then take one. That being said, she often uses her time collecting money and other valuables for her own selfish needs. While she is known to throw a fist before talking with the law, Sparks is more often then not well hidden and reserved when it comes to getting caught. Stealthy at her own game, not many have had proof to catch her in the act. In fact, not many know she exists at all, and she is perfectly okay with this.

Faults: Unable to control her emotions at times, Sparks often finds herself troubled with commitment issues. Along with her powers unable to work while wet, Lucy's lack of control over her abilities causes injuries to others she may not wish to even affect. That being said, the wannabe hero finds herself secluded and alone, more so her personal choice. While she doesn't wish to stay this way forever, her inability to get close to another even throughout friendship has caused her more then one heartbreak. While her muscular toned legs and flexibility make for a good asset, not being good at throwing hits often causes Sparks to resort towards drastic measures when losing a fight, often cheating in the process.

Equipment: Usually always carrying 3 hand sized blades strapped to different parts of her body, Sparks is not usually one to carry a lot of weapons. Liking to improvise on the scene at hand, her outfit is generally pretty light weighted. While carrying a cell phone isn't exactly a weapon, more often than not she helps the police in waves. Sending anonymous calls to people she left for them to pick up, rope is on her persons for easy tie ups. Driving a modern sized blue Lexus with less then ten years on it, her car contains a few weapons off hand that she does find useful. While she does not approve of such weapons, a fake gun is located in a hatch within her small four door vehicle. So why a fake gun? Her own personal preference. Along with an extensive map of the city and GPS, a few more ropes and hook wires are seen in the trunk of her car.