Garth aka Spud





Garth Cadence Bithell

pronouns he/him
orientation gynesexual
age XY
birth date march 30th
occupation entry
status ██████


height X'Y"
weight XXX lbs
ethnicity entry

Something of a rarity by all standards, Garth is an anthro fossa, a tree dwelling mammal that looks kind of like a cross between a ferret or weasel and a feline of some kind. His body is long and sinewy, very flexible and agile, with a long muscular prehensile tail. He has little round ears on his head and his face and muzzle are very cat like- short, not smushed in or anything, just short with high cheekbones and large eyes for seeing in the dark. Because he is more a weasel than a cat, he is generally designed to walk in a plantigrade stance, with the pads of his feet laying directly on the ground, which explains why the pink padding goes all the way up his foot to the ankle. Despite this, Garth is usually drawn with digitigrade legs, standing on his toes like a canine or feline would.

His most remarkable feature is his coat. His fur is short and soft like fleece, and is arranged in a beautiful display of color and markings. His back and shoulders, as well as his upper thighs, are all a beautiful tan/brown color, almost cream it is so light, with dark stripes curling down and around from his back in a design that semi-resembles a classic tabby cat, It curves and curls around, leaving his underside and most of his body really to reflect a slightly off white coloration. The tan and black stripes appear again on his arms but not on his legs, there only his toes are dark, he has no striping on his lower legs. Of course, his long sinewy tail is dotted with stripes but the tip is dipped in white, creating a bit of contrast that was designed so that others could see where he was in the darkness of night.

He sports a head of short, scruffy, straight hair that he has dyed a brilliant blue. Though he could, in theory, change this up from time to time, generally he likes the blue look so he maintains it as such. His clothing style is super lazy and casual, often just t-shirts or tank tops and some kind of over shirt or jacket. Generally, he likes to have fewer clothes on rather than more, since he does go to the gym and can gain a lot of easy attention by taking his shirt off from time to time. But he is sensitive to the cold so he does layer up when necessary. He has a penchant for plaid, and his outfit is never complete without his blue and white striped leather collar and his loose and raggedy blue plaid bandanna. He never goes out without them.

design notes

  • Is there something you're afraid people will leave out?
  • If so, you can note it down here.


studying field
frequents place, location
patriotism acceptable
skilled at thing
poor at other thing

  • Write a fun fact about your character here.
  • And another fun fact, if you want.
  • One last detail you think people should know?

last minute addition!


Put a sort of blurb here introducing us to your character. Then move on to fill out the personality and history section if you will.


What's your character like? What are their strengths? Fatal flaws? Give us a reason to like the character as well as a reason to dislike the character.


"Garth had a rough childhood" is the most under-rated statement ever made. Garth had an awful childhood. Though he remembers his dad in a lot of ways, especially the way that he smelled and the way that he laughed, he had a big booming sort of laugh that came from the core and was genuine and wholesome, Garth really did not get the opportunity to spend much time with his dad. His parents were young when they had kids, Garth was an accident after fooling around under the bleachers one night, and so they were never together in the traditional sense, they never married and instead were simply kids being idiots and suddenly there was a baby.

Or so it seemed. In truth, Garth's mother purposefully sabotaged their attempts at safe sex hoping to use a baby as an excuse to trap her boyfriend, whom she was always sure was cheating on her. He could not talk to women of any kind- not even his boss, every step the poor man made, his girl would absolutely grill him on it, going so far as to attack him claiming it took him an extra two minutes to come home from the grocery store, where's the bitch that you were with? The man managed to grit his teeth and bear it once he found out his girlfriend was pregnant, and he was on a fundamental level a good dad. He paid his child support, he worked two jobs to afford their apartment and everything. But it was never enough for his girl. At first, it was just arguments and passionate conversations, but as they grew further and further apart, it turned into days and days Garth had to spend without his father. Those days turned to weeks, turned to months, and eventually years, as far as Garth was concerned, his dad abandoned them.

What had actually happened was that a childhood brought up on the wrong side of the tracks left his father with a pretty extensive criminal record and his mother, bitter and angry that he still wasted his time with other women, reported him to the police, who came and arrested him. For most of Garth's early years, his father was in prison. Mom filled his head with lies- that his father was a cheating bastard, scum on the bottom of your shoes, all he wanted was sex and money. To perpetrate some of this, she withheld all of her boyfriend's letters and birthday cards from her son and simply told him that his father was gone, that he never loved them and that it was just the two of them now.

Well, two going on three. When Yogurt was born, Garth almost completely forgot about his father and went above and beyond to help care for his little brother. His mother worked and drank a lot so it was often young Garth's job to take the role of parent. He was able to cook for himself and his brother by 6 years old, worked his first paper route when he was 9, delivered packages for Amazon by 12, all the while it was him getting Yogurt up and ready for school, making his lunch and sending him off on the school bus. Conversely, Garth went to school online, studying from the kitchen table, squeezing classes into his tight schedule and always having to dodge his mother while he did it. She thought it was a load of horse crap, the idea of taking classes online. She was a bit of a conspiracy theorist and believed in the Matrix and such so Garth learned quickly to ignore her.

Instead, he studied hard and when he was about 15, his mother got the brilliant idea to send him off to boarding school. Because he was old enough to work, he was old enough to receive benefits from the state, cutting his mom out of the picture entirely, suddenly the kids did not "need" her and that sent her spinning. So she immediately sent Garth away so that she could have and hold and covet her precious baby Anthony, who everyone calls Yogurt for some reason. But when Garth returned home after a year at boarding school, he came back to something that did nothing but send him into a rage.

Yogurt had a scar on the side of his face.

Someone, if not his mother than someone she was with or someone she invited to the house, had harmed his baby brother. Garth could not have been more furious. They yelled and spat at each other for days, him and his mom, fighting like two dogs in a cage. Garth simply has no tolerance for anyone who hurts his precious baby brother. So he packed up some stuff, got his brother all situated and the two of them fled the house. Their mother tried to get them back but she was alcoholic as fuck so all that she managed to do was waste time in court, only to eventually be sent to an asylum for the criminally insane. By this point, Garth was 18 so he aged out of his mother's control anyway and set up a cute little life for him and his brother in Norbrook (originally, they were from a notable town in Maine), far away from her nonsense, interested in putting the past behind them. Garth finished school, now works as a ____ which pays enough to keep the lights on. He struggles to give his brother everything a young fossa could ask for, he gets a little extra income from his youtube channel and uses that to buy things to make his brother happy.

But that did not last long. At some point, Garth goes on a bit of an adventure with some friends, exploring an abandoned house and barn where gruesome murders may have happened and where some say kids practiced black magic and voodoo and such things, Garth really didn't think much of it, he is not the kind of guy to scare easily. But he came home from that trip... different. It is hard to put your finger on it exactly, just the way that he talked and moved, his reactions to things, he was jumpy and unusually aggressive, very out of character for him. But, co-dependently living with his brother, only Yogurt noticed the changes and he was too scared, too meek, to reach out for help. Honestly, he believed that it was his fault that he had upset his brother and that he was a horrible piece of shit who did nothing but piss everybody off. Yogurt very quickly learned that if he just agreed to everything there would be no fighting. So he gave in almost immediately.

But that is not the end of their problems. A familiar face with a familiar laugh seems to have followed them to Norbrook and though Garth has fond memories of his father, he grew up being told that his dad had abandoned them, just up and left because a younger, prettier girl walked by and he was petty enough, shallow enough, to just bounce just like that. Unfortunately for Garth, none of that was true- his father did not cheat, he never even dreamed of cheating, and he never hit or hurt anyone, never so much as yelled at his kids, let alone beat them. He was a good dad and he wanted to show his boys this- hell he had never even met Yogurt. Garth felt immediately threatened. He believed all of the stories woven about his father over his lifetime, he feared his father was dangerous, not just physically either, but emotionally, he had to protect his brother from this... criminal trying to worm his way into their lives. So Garth pulled the reins and is now paranoid about his father, blocking his phone calls, banning his social media accounts, anything he could do to keep the man away from Yogurt. But he's a persistent little bugger and it has given Garth one hell of a complex.



character name

Tell us about the relationship between these characters. I like to have the character describe said relationship in their own words.


character name

However, because this code is themed around being some kind of document written by another person, I don't know if that's the best thing to do here.


character name

The text to the right is a sort of space filler. You can take it out if you don't like it, or want single cards on the last line to be centered.


I just think it would be funny if this file were being compiled by some kind of secret government agency. Fun fact: the default cursive font is Comic Sans.