gardenia marsh



 cottagecore horror
55637848_TPW_11274842.png?1681235047 GARDENIA MARSH
 "Are you alright, dear?" 

 ▶ t h e  b a s i c s 

full name: gardenia marsh
nicknames: garden (by faustyna), day-nee (by sammy)
species: ?????
age: ???? (older than briar)
birthday: september 3
gender: female
sexuality: aro-ace
status: happy

 ▶ p e r s o n a l i t y 

quiet - sweet - gentle - polite - observant - can be a pushover - solitary

speaks very softly, generally sweet, a very motherly and gentle person, classically lady-like and polite, shockingly observant, can be a bit of a pushover (only for her own needs, will fight through hell for her friends), incredibly solitary, enjoys being on her own

biggest strength: 

big weakness: 
can be a pushover

 ▶ p a s t 

Gardenia is Briar's older sister (kinda, since neither of them are human). She’s basically the mom-friend of the group who always makes sure that the group is all taken care of, despite how introverted she is.

 ▶ c o m b a t 

 ▶ weapon of choice 

Out of all of the members gardenia is probably the least capable of fighting on her own. She’s not a huge fan of violence and will run before fighting

 ▶ powers and skills 

Skilled with sewing, she’s also the group doctor/medic

 ▶ l i k e s / d i s l i k e s 

 ▶ favorites 

color: pale pink
doesn’t seem to eat
milk tea
soft guitar
anywhere with sun

 ▶ likes 

 ✔ embroidery
 ✔ flowers
 ✔ calligraphy
 ✔ sewing
 ✔ walking
 ✔ sketching
 ✔ pressed flowers

 ▶ dislikes 

 ✘ loud noises
 ✘ rain
 ✘ thunder
 ✘ most modern tech
 ✘ crowds
 ✘ movies
 ✘ planes 

 ▶ t r i v i a 

 - voice: tbd
 - star sign: virgo
 - alignment: neutral
 - Carries around a sewing kit  

 ▶ d e s i g n 

usual expression: stare
appeared age: late 20s
complexion: always shadowed
eye color: black
hair color: desaturated blonde
build: tall and lanky
height: 5’9“
important characteristics:
 - Her face is always shadowed no matter what the lighting is like
other notes:
- Long fingers and legs

 ▶ s t a t s 

created: year  method of acquisition: designed
- was supposed to be an adopt but i got attached.. 

 ▶ ribbons 
