Komi Asagi



3 years, 24 days ago


Personal info

  • Japanese name: Komi Asagi (浅儀 子美)
  • Dub name: Amy Schuyler
  • Age: 13
  • Birthday: July 14th 
  • Relatives:
    • Hitoshi Asagi (father)
    • Mai Asagi (mother)

Sports info

  • Position: Manager (GO!)/ Forward (Chrono Stone)
  • Element: Fire
  • Teams she's been in:
    • Raimon (GO!)
    • Shinsei Inazuma Japan
  • Number:
    • 37
  • VA:
    • Japanese: Hina Suguta (e.g.: Touko Kirigaya from BanG! Dream)
    • Spanish: Marta Sainz (e.g.: Stella from Winx Club)


  • Anime: Episode 2(GO!)
  • Game: Inazuma Eleven GO! Shine/Dark

Komi Asagi (浅儀 子美) is a supporting character from Inazuma Eleven GO! thrilogy. She joins in the Raimon football club as a manager because Holy Road did not allow girls to play in boy's matches, something she was mad for. However, she will play in Inazuma Eleven GO! Chrono Stone as a forward.


She's a conceited and stuck-up person who's always trying to remark the fact she has some skills or qualities others don't. She always tries to be better than anyone, and she doesn't like things to be not like she would like to be, but what she hates the most is when someone undervalue her for anything, so she takes revenge, usually doing this in a bad way, taking a bad and rude attitude in order to get whatever she wants. However, after being her father in the hospital for a traffic accident, she will try to improve her attitude, because she doesn't want her beloved ones to be disappointed of her. 

she would also try to be a better person thanks to knowing Taiyou, since he doesn't judge her for the rumors she has behind for her attitude. She's in fact someone friendly and sometimes also kind and considerate, but she doesn't trust on her social skills anymore because people thinks she's a snob and they won't be friendly with someone like that, so she will assume her role. 

In Chrono Stone, she acts more kind with her team and she always tries to do her best to not act like she did before, but sometimes she can be kind of nosy and boastful. She can also use her own skills to help the others, like she did with Hina when Shindou got injured. In her behavior pattern, we can appreciate she is someone influenciable who tries always to get others' accepting to be happier, getting carried away by social pressure.


  • Backstory 

Komi was born in Osaka, but soon her family would move to Inazuma Town because of working reasons. His father was in one of the highest charges of the commercial department from his company, while her mother was an English teacher, working as particular teacher, so her family usually has got good deposits. 

At the birth of 4, she got inscribed in a private school, despite her family was not as rich as most of other kids' ones. That made that many of her classmates, who were already snobbish, spoiled and class-conscious persons, to influence her behavior from now on. Komi tried to make friends by being like them, but she turned out to be annoying for many of her classmates, so they were actually ignoring her for not being on the same social status as them. She decided to keep with that facade for many years with them to be seen as someone secure of herself and make some friends with that. With time, because of many rumors of her annoying attitude, people started to judge her with not knowing her, so she kept going only for habit. 

She liked to play football a lot because her mom was on the football girls' team of her school and told her daughter many things about those days, so Komi got interested in it and her mother became her reference figure. She gets in the football club as a forward, but she had a terrible relationship with the other striker of the team, which was admired by the rest of the team, but nobody got her off because she was actually good in it.

When she got in Raimon, she already had bad fame from the rumors, so many people got apart of her.

  • Inazuma Eleven GO!

In the first day, she was walking around when she heard about a match between Raimon and Kuro no Kishidan, so she went to watch it on the grounds. She could not distinguish well most of the players because she was sat very up, but she could see Haru between the other players, recognizing him because of the days they were in the same football club in the elementary school. She got surprised, but she didn't think to give him a word.
After the victory of Raimon against Tengawara Gakuen, she got interested to join the football team, asking the trainer if she could be forward. He told her the Holy Road didn't accept girls in boys' teams, so he denied, but he offered her the chance to be a manager. She didn't get happy with the response, but she would have let it be if it wasn't because many players, mainly Kurama, doubted about her abilities, saying that if she really knew how to play or if she was only there for fun or if she would break a nail so playing football was not for her. That made her feel mad with the Raimon team overall, so she started to act mean with many of them, but things turned worse and she got to have a bad relationship with most of them. That's when she decides to ruin the team's morals and tries to do her best to ruin the team itself, mainly having a annoy feeling towards Tenma because of his way of aiming the team, or Sari, because she was direct to her and they discussed many times for many things. She tried to be sutil in order to not be caught by the coaches, so they didn't run her out, they only threatened with that possibility twice for insulting other players with gratuity.
However, she got to befriend Hina by the time, becoming her first friend thanks to the fact she hadn't any problem with her and that she thought she's nice despite the rumors.
Some minutes before the match against Kidokawa Seishuu, she received a call from her mom which told her her father suffered a traffic accident and that he was going to be surgeried, he only had 50% chances to survive. In that precise moment she called for a taxi and went to the hospital as fast as she could. She stayed there for many hours, and when his father successfully passed the surgery, she looked to be sad and distant with the others because of the fact his father was close to death, and many of her teammates realized about it in the practices she went.
One day, while she was exiting from the hospital, she realized a ball was going directly to her when a boy screamed to her to be careful; instead of apparting herself, she stopped the ball herself and kicked it back to the direction the voice came. Then she saw an orange-haired boy with blue eyes who complimented her for the pass. He said she was good, and invited her to play with him a little. She accepted and started to play with him, demonstrating she was actually skilled with football. After some time, they were taking a break because he seemed to be tired, so Komi told them to take a break for a moment. He told her his name, which was Taiyou Amemiya, and she introduced himself too. She was surprised someone was being so kind with him in that way, she didn't imagine that would happen again to her for the rumors she had behind.
After that, he started to run away after hearing a woman screaming his name, so she understood he in fact was forbidden to play football.
Thanks to his father's accident and the fact she met that guy, she started to realize she wasn't doing it good and that rumors in the end are just rumors, so she shouldn't be so worried about that while she has friends with her. So she promised herself to become a better girl and to cleanse her reputation as well as she could, so she tried to be more friendly with her teammates, what surprised many of them and some ones doubted about her good intentions so they didn't forgive her; she knew well she wouldn't be quickly forgiven so she couldn't give up easily.

In Episode 33, while Tenma was saying farewell to Taiyou, she was going way her home, and in that moment he greeted her. Then it was when they both walked together way home, but she was ashamed to talk with him for her attitude with Tenma, but he was only trying to be kind with her, like if nothing happened. Komi apologized for her actions, but he said it was fine, something that surprised her.
In that moment, her self esteem got upper thanks to knowing there were people like him who accepts Komi for who she really is and not for what others can say.

She continued going to the hospital to visit Taiyou, and in the process she knew Sari was there too, apologizing to her too. Sari accepted because in fact they both were fault for the way they both treated each other and Sari wanted to meet her more, also it was kind for her to come visit her too so that's why she befriends Komi little by little. Thanks to this she could know Sari in fact was a SEED, her involvement with Fifth Sector and what happened in God Eden.

In episode 39, she ran with Tebma to see what happened to Taiyou, after that she tried to give him some support with Tenma, assuring him he could play football in the future and that he shouldn't be worried about that because he was strong enough. She also holds hands with them both as a promise of friendship, because they both invited her to do that

From this point, she doesn't do much, besides helping Hina with her training after knowing she hadn't nobody to train with since Shindou's accident.