


3 years, 3 months ago


Jengo's Profile

Serious. Self-reliant. Althletic. Confident

 Name Jensen Walker
 Called Jengo
 Age 18-19
 DoB Sept. 12
 Gender Male
 Height 6'2"
 Pokémon Manectric
 Archetype Strong & Silent
 Demeanor Reserved
 MBTI Intj-a/architecht
 HTML Eggy


Jengo is quiet and reserved, preferring to be a listener in conversations and to think through anything he plans to say before speaking. When one gets to know him, they'll discover his playful and competative side. He takes a challenge seriously, and his thoughful and reserved front is often thrown to the wayside when he gets competaive, ocasionally results in him making a fool of himself, after which he retreats into his quiet facade again. He's also very studious and a bit of a perfectionist, working hard to get good grades, keep up a good rapport in his part-time jobs, and keep up on his soccer practice. (And get 100% on his videogames.)

Raised by his adoptive mother and sister, Jengo was an energetic and sporty kid. He, Vix, and Jezz grew up playing together because their mother's were all part of the same club, and he bacame friends with Ezra in middle school. Tux's mother was also part of said club, and Jengo looked up to the older boy a lot, even if there were time Tux wasn't the best influence during the his own rebellious phase. When Jengo was around 11, his family had to move to a different town becausse of his mother's job. They kept their old house, but rented it out, so that they could move back when his mother's job allowed. During this time away from his first home, Jengo struggled to make friends at his new school, and grew quiet and reclusive. Finally, his mother could return to their first home, but by then Jengo had changed quiet a bit, and his friends seemed to have to learn who he was again. Recently, however, Jengo has realized that his forced serious and "grown-up" exterior was stifling his feelings, and his short time of freedom before becoming an adult. He's begun trying to lighten up in an attempt to salvage the years of his youth, and even to ackknowledge some of the feelings he had been ignoring. Maybe it won't be so bad to adimit how he feels about Vix...


  • Soccer
  • Sci-fi
  • Star Wars
  • Control
  • Wolves
  • Being active
  • Lemon flavored stuff


  • Sit-coms
  • Goats
  • Laziness
  • The dentist
  • Being confused
  • Rain
  • Clicking sounds


  • Outdoor activities
  • Watching movies
  • Video games
  • Volunteer work




Had a bad experience with goats as a child, and no longer trusts them.

Doesn't get flustered easily, but when he does, he gets very uncomfortable and startles stumbling over his words and loses his put-together train of thought.

Was rasied to do anything to avoid being wasteful, and as a result he will eat basically anything edible. If you serve him the worst meal he's ever had, he will do his best to consume it and be polite about it.

Has watched the animated Star-Wars series multiple times each and still watches them on a regular basis.

Drawing isn't one of his main hobbies, but he'll doodle ocasionally and does pretty cool pirate ship and space station diagrams.




Best Friend

Friends since childhood, Jengo has always been very close with Vix, and always marveled har her optimistic outlook and ability to find wonder in even the simplest things in life. Sometimes when he looks at her, he wonders if... no, why would that be the case.



Friends, Rolemodel

Tux has always been a big inspiration to Jengo; he admires his dedication and fierce loyalty to his family, tough work ethic, unbothered demeanor, and even style. A lot of things in Jengo's life were inspired by Tux, and he's honored to be able to call him a close friend.




Another friend from childhood, Jengo has always cared for Jezz, and in a way felt sorry for her because of her tough living situation. He knows of her interest in him, as she makes it blatantly obvious, but he ignores her advances as he sees her only as a friend. Jengo knows she's not the best person in the world, but he genuinly wants the best for her. As kids he would often help her with homework.




Jengo met Kendra more recently, when she became friends with Vix at summercamp. They both enjoy outdoor physical activities, and like to go on hikes and play sports together, as well as videogames.




Ezra is one of Jengo's friends mostly because the rest of their friend group ties them together, but Jengo enjoys hanging out with him one on one occasionally.