


3 years, 30 days ago


Orchid | She/Her

"An amiable girl who lives a pretty carefree life. Brimming with curiosity, a love for cute things, and a feeling of uncertainty for the future."

Urban Exploration Waking Early             
Anything "Cute"Being Super Formal

Born to the wealthy founder of Hemoglobal(tm) Blood, Orchid grew up in a huge mansion and stuffy upbringing. Her parents were rarely around as they were on frequent business trips, so it was a lonely childhood of wandering the premises, avoiding servants, and longing for true friends. She vowed to herself to forge her own path to not rely on her parents, and when she grew a bit older moved to live by herself in an apartment in Hellebore Town. The building was still owned by her family, but she set a goal of saving up on her own to go to university.

Despite this determination being strong, she doesn't quite know what she wants to do. The path-to-forge is not really planned out. She always gets distracted by tv shows, cute plushies, and having too much fun! Hopefully it will all work out though.

Major Relations

  • Dusty - A real nice friend!
  • Cecil - Her cousin, they don't get along.
  • Felt - Often hang out together

Miscellaneous Notes

  • When not out and about, likes watching TV and making plushies
  • Can't cook, usually just grabs something from the 6-16
  • Unable to fly, but can sort of float down slowly from up high
  • Falls in love with pretty pop stars often
  • Talks a lot with online friends
  • Sometimes get extremely self-conscious about her childishness