Edie Adams



6 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info

Full name

Evangeline Eliza Adams


Ageless (875, appears early to mid 20's)


January 8th (Capricorn)


Flower Demon (Rose)










True Neutral



Edie is a very skinny/slender demon. Her skin is white while her hair is long, curled (naturally straight) and rose red. She is decorated with red roses in various areas (in the hair, over her right eye, etc.) and she has a crown of horns. Her eye color is also red and usually have a stream of a glitter-like substance staining her cheeks. Her lips are often an ombre deep red.

She usually wears anything comfortable that she can throw on. She will try to make it look nice but can't put too much effort into it. She loves to wear oversized sweaters, pajamas, loose pants, etc. At times she will wear dresses and boots when she wants to look nicer than usual.


Edie is amiable and melancholic. She is often very quiet because she is very observant, not because she is shy. She is also paternalistic and repressed, and often conceals how she is actually feeling with a complete facade of how she should be feeling. She often has to think about what she says next, so because of this she can speak a little slow and drawn out.

She often appears very tired or sleepy. She also seems to be out-of-it at times and can get deeply lost in thought to the point of forgetting her surroundings. Edie always seems to have something on her mind, however will ignore anything of the sort. She tends to baffle people because of her zombie-like state.

However, she can have moments where she becomes bright and present but it tends to be spontaneous. Edie alternates between a dead personality and a living one.


Edie was always constantly abusive toward herself. She would pick apart flaws and try to change for others to like her, however it took a toll on her mental state. Since she would always belittle herself, she gave herself thoughts of insecurities and overthinking. She once tried to even change the color of her roses to white because she thought red was too strong and intimidating. Edie wouldn't accept help from outside sources, claiming she was just trying to make herself a better person. Of course, while she was trying to do that, she was changing herself as a person entirely.

She eventually came to the conclusion that if no one saw her, no one could judge her. So, she isolated herself from everyone and refused to even look at herself. While she stopped changing herself, she still couldn't accept who she was, that she had flaws.

Soon, her personality drained itself and faded away. Edie used to be vibrant and lively, however now she was a dead shell with nothing to describe herself as a person other than "gone". 

She was in this phase for majority of her life, until another one of her species came along named Finn. Finn helped her through everything and he was the only person she could really open up to. Edie started to become a happier person with him around, however would still lag on some things. But, he was patient and gave her good habits to heal herself that Edie followed. Soon enough, parts of her original personality started to take hold.

Finn and Edie fell in love with eachother and have a very strong bond, and Finn is the reason Edie was able to live again.


♡ She suffers from dependent personality disorder and self-deprecating disorder.

♡ She often uses a flip phone and takes pictures of nearly anything.

♡ When she gets upset or scared, thorn vines will sprout on her body.

♡ Edie was closer to her father than she was her mother. However, the two seperated and her father left, so she hasn't seen him in hundreds of years. Her mother was too melancholic and would lash out due to her violent mood swings for her father to live with. Edie was afraid of the same thing happening to her for a very long time.