Archaeus Chartreuse's Comments

his icon reminds me of the hit or miss thing

You know that's his exact energy

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This is basically the same thing that inspired me to make my character Yunuva lol. Though instead of being just a heavy narcissist, she's an ironic Mary Sue. Sometimes you need to do something to cope with chronic stupidity, I'm glad Archaeus was the something.

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but i met vic mignogna! he's a nice person!

seriously tho this guy.......gdi


what was he like??   

he called me cute (twice), hugged me and signed my soul eater dvd as papa spirit so it was a fun time.

at a q&a thing later, he jokingly argued with some people about fma vs fma brotherhood. he was generally quite a cool dude!

i'm jealous that's incredible


the gary stu becomes even more of a gary stu or marty stu if you prefer that term lmao

But yeah I did read his profile before but I think the new edits are really good and expanded on him a bit more, even if they’re kind of minor at first glance!

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i keep meaning to get him some more art but i just... want to spoil literally everyone else sob

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this is it, i've found my favorite character on all of toyhouse