Cold Embrace of the Evening



3 years, 3 months ago


Cold embrace of the evening

wis 17
cha 6

pronouns  (she/her)
classdruid (circle of the land)
age22 yrs old

Born from tabaxi refugees who escaped their captors by traveling to the cold and unkind region of the far north, Cold Embrace of the Evening had been warned over and over again by the members of the Bright Cliffs clan to be wary of other races. 

For a long time, Evening adhered to her clan's rules. These teachings, combined with her isolated upbringing and social awkwardness, made it almost a wonder that Evening's meeting with her future mentor didn't end in a disaster. The human quickly recognized Evening's knack for water manipulation as well as her beast shaping abilities. In their short period of time together, he trained her how to wield her magic. When the time came for him to go, he gave her a tiny silver icon of a raven with strange symbols along its back. "Come find me," he challenged playfully as the both of them looked out into the vast ocean. "Prove yourself worthy of being my protégé. I'll be waiting." With those cryptic words he sailed away, never to be seen again.

Ten years passed in the blink of an eye. Now in Waterdeep, Evening is still searching for clues leading to her mentor's whereabouts. For sure her lack of social graces might make her unpopular with the ton, but she's made it this far to give up. She is sure she's close to meeting her mentor... and perhaps unmasking his identity!

  • eel
  • the room in Trollskull manor which has the most windows
  • long baths
  • public speech
  • firearms
  • drows

"Why am I the only one alive?"


-Remember, she's a coward!
-Buy a Healer's Kit
-Make sure she has a jug of water on her side for Shape Water
-Make sure she has a pocket full of different seeds for Druidcraft
-Talk in 3rd person
-Evening still does not know a lot about city life
-Study Feline Agility!
-Climbing is an option

Just posting my notes for my first Dragon Heist campaign. Still can't believe I managed to find such a heritage post. But for real, I've had a lot of regrets playing Evening. First of all, I think I made her too awkward, but then again I rolled a 6 for her CHA. In later persuasion checks, it was especially frustrating to display good RP but the dice would straight up say no. Not only that, Evening suffered from immense PTSD and survivor's trauma after losing her best friend and then witnessing the deaths of her entire party within the span of about a week. Since it was a gunslinger drow who caused this traumatic event, she developed a prejudice against them. My hope that time was for her to realize that blaming an entire race/society will not bring back the friends she lost . Also, the way she is channeling her anger is unhealthy! But alas, it was not meant to be. I withdrew from the campaign for personal reasons, and so Evening's story ended with her in a very dark place.
