Theodore's Comments

He is really handsome. Im looking for more about him

he is!! so is your baby Damaris, what a wowwie..! and so much lovely art of him! they look like they could be related! hahaha

Yes, he is my baby and I spend so much love for him. Also I think they could be related somehow from the same artist

i can tell you love him!! and you have so many boneshards but still want more. they are cute and cool. lol

and probably! fff do you want to make ours cousins?? X'D

Awwww Im appreciate it XD lol because I love Nai's design, I thought her design will never enough for me

I think yes? Somehow I really want Theodore pat my head XD

i saw your boy on skeb and i just wanted to say he's very handsome

wow really??? thank you so much! i see many of your babies are very handsome too...! not to mention your beautiful art ((but i'm not sure if it's really your art or someone else's?)). now i have to follow your twitter      you nabbed sooo many gorgeous skeb artwork