Cani Fawkes



2 years, 11 months ago



what you give to the planet, it gives back double.

Name Cani Fawkes
Called Fawkes
Age 24
DoB April 17, 1984
Gender Female
Height 5'5"
Homeland Gongaga
Role Turk
Demeanor Friendly
MBTI ????


Born in Gongaga, but having spent most of her life in or around Midgar, Fawkes is simultaneously quick witted and too naive for her own good. She'd be the first to fall for a trap, but only after warning everyone that she has a bad feeling about it.

She lived with her mother until she was eight, in the sector five slums. Her mom passed suddenly after developing an illness, and Cani began trying to take care of herself.

It was around this time that she met Wulfe and Hund. Lup Wulfe, an older boy from the slums, and Az Hund, a boy her age, encountered Cani one day while she was out, scrounging and begging for money. They took her under their wings and taught her to pickpocket, lie, and run drugs for money. Because of them, Cani was able to survive to adulthood, and she feels like she still owes her life to the two of them.

As they got older, Lup got more serious, getting into fights frequently and taking on harder jobs. This got him noticed by the leader of the Turks, who offered him a job. For a couple of months, it was just Cani and Az, but at least she still had half her family.

But then Az told her that he was going to go work for Shinra, just like Wulfe. She put on a brave face, but Cani knew she wouldn't make it without the two of them, weak and naive as she was.

When Lup visited her one day, he realized Cani had put herself into a dangerous situation trying to survive, and he begged her to come with him to Shinra and become a Turk. Cani wasn't sure; Lup seemed so different, so much bigger in the suit and tie, and it felt like the world had come between them, but she started trying to learn skills to get a job by his side.

In 1997, with a good word put in by both Lup and Az, Cani made it into the Turks and was placed as Wulfe's partner. After several royal screwups on her first missions, she got into her groove and became a valued member on the Turks, and grew closer to Wulfe every day.

In 2004, after a tragedy in her hometown of Gongaga, Fawkes was contacted by her old friend Az, who pressed her for a favor. Agreeing without thinking about it, Fawkes was pushed into traveling to Gongaga, with a passenger. At this point, Az disappeared, leaving Fawkes panicking as she tried to keep Cuda, the remnant of Sephiroth, secret.

Unable to lie to Wulfe when he contacted her, she spilled everything, and Wulfe agreed to help her hide Cuda. He did some research into a SOLDIER first class presumed dead, and tracked down the MIA deserter to offer him a job he quite literally couldn't refuse.

With their hands clean, Fawkes and Wulfe returned to work for the Turks, as Rise and Cuda fled Midgar once more to settle near Rocket Town.

Unfortunately, neither of the two Turks would live for much longer anyway.


  • Wulfe
  • Suits
  • Chocobo racing
  • Az


  • Insects
  • Bullies
  • The General Sephiroth (scary.)
  • Feeling weak


  • Running
  • Sewing
  • Fixing things (that she broke)
  • Reading joke books




Her mother died of Mako poisoning, but Cani would never realize this.

Loves beer. Can drink Wulfe under the table easily.

Used to wish that she and Az and Lup could be together forever and ever in their secret hideout in the slums... Now she only thinks fondly of those times.

Likes kids, but they tend not to like her at all.

Her weapon is a crowbar! She likes to wack things.

Sephiroth scares her! Actually, most SOLDIERs scare her! They're just so... scary!