Vitani Dokuvi



7 years, 2 months ago



Vitani Dokuvi

"Responsibility deamnds sacrifice."
Mutant BloodCyborgHauntedLesbianParanoidParanoid
  • GENDER Female (She/her)
  • HEIGHT 5'5"
  • AGE Young Adult
  • CASTE Mutant Blue || #8ee9ff
  • LUSUS Colossal Deathclaw
  • VOICECLAIM None yet
  • THEME Song - Artist


Vitani is very reserved and paranoid about most others. She lives her life in fear for several reasons and is slow to trust others. She wants to love and be loved, but is too scared because of her blood. If she finds someone she cares for, she can get a bit clingy with them. She is also a very determined individual, and stops at nothing to achieve her goals. Vitani has a bad habit of talking a lot whenever she does have someone she feels comfortable talking to.

  • OCCUPATION Scientist/Roboticist
  • WEALTH Poor
  • HOME Laboratory hive
  • HEMOLOYALTY Anarchist
  • AGGRESSION Defends self
  • COMBAT ABILITY Inexperienced
  • WEAPONS Energy Cannon


Vitani has grown up completely isolated from the world in fear that they'll discover her blood mutation and kill her. She used her time in isolation to study and learn everything she could about the sciences and about robotics. Her special interests lied in perfecting ressurection, and making mechanical body parts that were superior to flesh. To that end, and because she had no one to perfect her techniques on, she experimented on herself. Through the course of her life she has removed her left eye, arm, and leg and replaced them with mechanical parts. Her ultimate end goal is to perfect resurrection and discover the secrets of immortality so that she can live in a world where no mutant ever has to fear death again.


  • Science
  • Robotics
  • Immortality
  • Zombies
  • Music
  • Video games


  • Magic
  • Magic believers
  • Failure
  • High bloods
  • Authority figures
  • The caste system


  • The concept of her camera eye came from the movie VHS 2. It's also where I got the idea that she sees ghosts through it, but she just thinks they're glitches.
  • Her original design was made on Tektek beore it was removed.
  • Her cannon is supposed to be similar to a megaman-style cannon.
  • Vitani wears functional long-fall boots that she made, because she's a nerd.


  • Studying
  • Working in her lab
  • Playing games
  • Playing keytar
  • Singing


  • Death, especially before she reaches her goals
  • Failure
  • "Glitches" (Ghosts)
  • High bloods
  • Negative reactions to her being a mutant


  • Cell phone
  • Random mechanical parts and wires
  • Charger for her cell phone
  • Chapstick
  • Pen
  • Notepad
  • Recorder for audio logs


Can see ghosts, even if she doesn't believe in their existence. Can fall from nearly any height and survive. Can blast energy from her cannon arm.



  • QUADRANT: Matesprit yyUdRQI.gif

  • QUAD STATUS: Empty



Come back later.



  • QUADRANT: Moirail 2qixadh.gif

  • QUAD STATUS: Empty



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  • QUADRANT: Kismesis uBH1z0N.gif

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  • QUADRANT: Matesprit/Moirail/Kismesis

  • QUAD STATUS: Empty/Plotted/In Progress/Established

  • SHIP NAME: Unknown

  • AVAILABILITY: Open/Closed/Open (Polyam)

Describe the character's relationship here. This box will scroll. Etiam porta auctor libero nec lobortis. Sed quis ex quis felis malesuada vestibulum ut non justo. Maecenas scelerisque laoreet quam, sit amet congue elit molestie venenatis.

Duis rhoncus purus id velit maximus, eget condimentum ipsum ultrices. Sed sed viverra justo. Integer vitae lacinia neque. Vivamus sodales quam ut odio blandit lobortis. Nam porttitor, augue non pulvinar commodo, enim ante auctor elit, a iaculis enim turpis accumsan tortor. Integer sagittis ligula at tellus fringilla, non tincidunt quam condimentum. Vestibulum auctor ut nisl eget bibendum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Quisque non porta nisi, iaculis convallis nulla.

  • QUADRANT: Matesprit/Moirail/Kismesis

  • QUAD STATUS: Empty/Plotted/In Progress/Established

  • SHIP NAME: Unknown

  • AVAILABILITY: Open/Closed/Open (Polyam)

Describe the character's relationship here. This box will scroll. Etiam porta auctor libero nec lobortis. Sed quis ex quis felis malesuada vestibulum ut non justo. Maecenas scelerisque laoreet quam, sit amet congue elit molestie venenatis.

Duis rhoncus purus id velit maximus, eget condimentum ipsum ultrices. Sed sed viverra justo. Integer vitae lacinia neque. Vivamus sodales quam ut odio blandit lobortis. Nam porttitor, augue non pulvinar commodo, enim ante auctor elit, a iaculis enim turpis accumsan tortor. Integer sagittis ligula at tellus fringilla, non tincidunt quam condimentum. Vestibulum auctor ut nisl eget bibendum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Quisque non porta nisi, iaculis convallis nulla.

  • RELATIONSHIP: Body Guard

She was the first person you ever successfully revived. As thanks for her life, she decieded to dedicate it to protecting yours.

  • RELATIONSHIP: 2nd creation

Another zombie you created, though a bit more frankeinstein's monster than Nezzie. You love him like a mother would a son.


You've looked up to and admired Dr.Kovani's work for as long as you've been doing similar stuff to him. You've met him a few times, and consider him a friend. He also helps look after Zombie.



Describe the character's relationship here. This box will scroll. Etiam porta auctor libero nec lobortis. Sed quis ex quis felis malesuada vestibulum ut non justo. Maecenas scelerisque laoreet quam, sit amet congue elit molestie venenatis.

Duis rhoncus purus id velit maximus, eget condimentum ipsum ultrices. Sed sed viverra justo. Integer vitae lacinia neque. Vivamus sodales quam ut odio blandit lobortis. Nam porttitor, augue non pulvinar commodo, enim ante auctor elit, a iaculis enim turpis accumsan tortor. Integer sagittis ligula at tellus fringilla, non tincidunt quam condimentum. Vestibulum auctor ut nisl eget bibendum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Quisque non porta nisi, iaculis convallis nulla.



  • SHIP NAME: Unknown

Describe the character's relationship here. This box will scroll. Etiam porta auctor libero nec lobortis. Sed quis ex quis felis malesuada vestibulum ut non justo. Maecenas scelerisque laoreet quam, sit amet congue elit molestie venenatis.

Duis rhoncus purus id velit maximus, eget condimentum ipsum ultrices. Sed sed viverra justo. Integer vitae lacinia neque. Vivamus sodales quam ut odio blandit lobortis. Nam porttitor, augue non pulvinar commodo, enim ante auctor elit, a iaculis enim turpis accumsan tortor. Integer sagittis ligula at tellus fringilla, non tincidunt quam condimentum. Vestibulum auctor ut nisl eget bibendum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Quisque non porta nisi, iaculis convallis nulla.