


2 years, 11 months ago




Lady of the burnt manor

Give yourself to me - completely, wholly - won't you?

Full Name



Immortal, late 20s




Herbalist/Healer, Lady

Spider Lily

Lawful Evil


playlist 🎡
Theme Song


The finer things in life. (Jewelry, art, furnishing, etc)
Her library collection, spending most of her living years buried in a book.
Her garden. She may only be able to enjoy it at night, but it's the most beautiful in moonlight.
Worship and praise.
Rabbits. So feeble, helpless.


Filthy things, especially from her own housemates.
Most animals. Dirty feral little things. She's bettter off without.
Wasting blood. That's food!
Big fires. She has PTSD. You won't catch her near any bonfires.
Losing her temper. She tries very very hard to stay in check, it's unladylike.
Sunlight. Goes without saying.


Drinking blood-wine. It's one of life's simple luxuries, getting wasted.
Reading. The quest for knowledge never ends.
Rehabilitating monsters. Some say she's curing them, honestly she's experimenting taming feral monsters.
Causing the local accidents. It's a carefully timed hunt that she allows herself. Rare time she can let loose.
Medicine making. While she has healing magic, she likes to research and apply modern medicine with herbs growing in the garden.
Pretending to be a human. She likes to socialize with her townsfolk, getting to know future meals.

5'11 (without heels)

Medium (#AF7962)
Skin tone

Corseted hourglass
Body type

Wavy pale pink (#CDA196)

Pale blue (#A8D0EC)

Can't math rn





She can be drawn in any outfit shown! Unless specified for a specific idea.
Her makeup is consistently smokey eyeshadow with a pink-mauve lipstick.
Typically doesn't show her fangs unless she's threatening or angry, or other necesssary reason.
She has sharp deep red stiletto nails/claws. Sharp enough to pierce skin!
She has freckles everywhere. Necessary moles are besides bottom left and near left eye, but the rest - go crazy.
Love to see her drawn with blood!! She IS a vampire after all, ought to get messy once in a while.

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Immortality - until killed by typical vampire killing methods, immortal.

Enhanced senses - Supernatural perception, night vision, etc.

Natural weaponry - fangs and self-regulated manicured claws.

Super strength - Hides it to be unassuming, but she can easily throw you.

Healing magic - idk how it works but she can heal others/herself.

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Short version: intelligent, mature, powerful, cunning, luxurious, domineering, disingenuous, irritable, shallow.

Iphigenia is a carefully crafted woman put together by herself. Raised in wealthy society, she still upholds the morals and courtesy lessons to the best of her ability, given her nature. She highly values intelligence and manners and tries to pass it onto others around her, willing or not.

Being alive for many generations, she considers herself mature. For the most part, she's in control of her emotions - lets herself feel - but keeps most of it to herself. Truthfully, she's an irritatable old hag. But she's a master at hiding annoyance to the untrained eye.

Despite only feeding once in a while, Iphigenia is quite the powerful vampire. Over the years she has honed in on conserving energy and can sustain herself with less than the average vampire would need to function. Her abilities and strength hasn't waned for a lack of, either.

She likes to live life to a certain standard, and commonly chastises her housemates to not ruin the furniture, manor, etc.

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Iphigenia, known as the Lady of the Burnt Manor, is a vampire living amongst human townsfolk. She is known as their healer and herbalist, unknowingly relying on a vampire for good health. She sees the humble town as her own, and seeks to protect them from her own kind, and other things that bump in the night. The price of her protection is quite small, an "accident" once in a while to feed her, quick to be forgotten about. She considers herself generous.


Iphigenia is a woman of knowledge, nature, and magic all in one. Born into an esteemed wealthy family, she was secluded from the poor townsfolk that constantly surrounded her home - unaware of the pain and suffering the went beyond the doors. She was raised in mostly isolation, with only her family and help being her interaction. As fate would have it, this lifestyle did not last long. It took one lick of a flame to go astray before the manor became engulfed in fire.

Before she knew it, she was all- all alone, surrounded by the smell of char and singed edges. To this day, she's not sure who decided to save her by turning her and leaving her to her own devices. Maybe a test, to see if she'd survive the flames or not in her changing form. She just knew that, she immediately inherited a burnt manor and her family's fortune.

Already an adult, but finally feeling like one, Iphigenia was given a chance to interact with the outside world. Her newfound powers and insatible hunger for blood was hard to tame at first, and it cost quite a few lives, but she got it eventually. She learned what went on while she was safe behind iron gates, and devoted herself to giving back. She had so, so much, and these people had very little.

She became the town's herbalist, their healer, the first and last option. The humans townsfolk would eventually start to go to a vampire for healing, unbeknownst to them. For the most part, she relies on her herbs and medicine to heal them, but there is always magic for the dire situations.

She has seen many of them come and go, generations passing before her. There has been passed down tales from parents to their children of the lady living by herself on the outskirts, secluded, in a burnt manor who's as youthful as the years before. She is a legend of sorts but to townsfolk in need - they're not stupid and realize she's not human - however, she's useful. They have an unspoken trade. She protects them from other things that go bump in the night and provide healing and her own library, in exchange for a quiet 'accident' every once in a while to feed her. Most vampires would say fuck it and drink the whole town, but she's grown fond of their partnership.


right hand man

A vampire she found wandering. Is genuinely helpful around the manor, appreciates his company but would never say outloud. Is thankful for the bloodwine he makes. However, is not fond of his wolves he insists on bringing inside. Do you know how expensive the upholstery was?! He is Iphigenia's second pair of eyes, and is delegated to being Irina's keeper/shadow whenever she goes out to town.



Mauris aliquet magna quam, et sollicitudin elit aliquam ut. Proin rhoncus tortor a orci sollicitudin, nec gravida ipsum laoreet. Donec finibus sit amet est quis gravida. Sed luctus tellus quis feugiat ultrices. Etiam eget euismod mauris. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Fusce vitae libero purus. Cras a diam sodales, auctor ex eu, placerat est. Quisque tortor arcu, hendrerit eu nunc non, tempus efficitur felis. Ut sollicitudin lorem in risus sollicitudin consequat. Fusce porta volutpat interdum. Sed fringilla ullamcorper sollicitudin. Quisque interdum nunc lectus, sit amet porttitor lectus gravida eget. Mauris sem augue, condimentum sit amet est sit amet, luctus dapibus ligula. Aenean feugiat fermentum ante et blandit. Quisque cursus at arcu at laoreet.



Mauris aliquet magna quam, et sollicitudin elit aliquam ut. Proin rhoncus tortor a orci sollicitudin, nec gravida ipsum laoreet. Donec finibus sit amet est quis gravida. Sed luctus tellus quis feugiat ultrices. Etiam eget euismod mauris. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Fusce vitae libero purus. Cras a diam sodales, auctor ex eu, placerat est. Quisque tortor arcu, hendrerit eu nunc non, tempus efficitur felis. Ut sollicitudin lorem in risus sollicitudin consequat. Fusce porta volutpat interdum. Sed fringilla ullamcorper sollicitudin. Quisque interdum nunc lectus, sit amet porttitor lectus gravida eget. Mauris sem augue, condimentum sit amet est sit amet, luctus dapibus ligula. Aenean feugiat fermentum ante et blandit. Quisque cursus at arcu at laoreet.


rat in a vampire disguise

Found her terrorizing her town. Started off as a rabid, blood-thirsty vampire but with Iphigenia's intervention... she's not that much different. Constantly has to pick up after her and dress her. Does not let her go around unsupervised. Swears this girl is more rat, than vampire. A thorn in her side she keeps around. Her newest rehabiliation project.


Name Surname

Mauris aliquet magna quam, et sollicitudin elit aliquam ut. Proin rhoncus tortor a orci sollicitudin, nec gravida ipsum laoreet. Donec finibus sit amet est quis gravida. Sed luctus tellus quis feugiat ultrices. Etiam eget euismod mauris. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Fusce vitae libero purus. Cras a diam sodales, auctor ex eu, placerat est. Quisque tortor arcu, hendrerit eu nunc non, tempus efficitur felis. Ut sollicitudin lorem in risus sollicitudin consequat. Fusce porta volutpat interdum. Sed fringilla ullamcorper sollicitudin. Quisque interdum nunc lectus, sit amet porttitor lectus gravida eget. Mauris sem augue, condimentum sit amet est sit amet, luctus dapibus ligula. Aenean feugiat fermentum ante et blandit. Quisque cursus at arcu at laoreet.


Name Surname

Mauris aliquet magna quam, et sollicitudin elit aliquam ut. Proin rhoncus tortor a orci sollicitudin, nec gravida ipsum laoreet. Donec finibus sit amet est quis gravida. Sed luctus tellus quis feugiat ultrices. Etiam eget euismod mauris. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Fusce vitae libero purus. Cras a diam sodales, auctor ex eu, placerat est. Quisque tortor arcu, hendrerit eu nunc non, tempus efficitur felis. Ut sollicitudin lorem in risus sollicitudin consequat. Fusce porta volutpat interdum. Sed fringilla ullamcorper sollicitudin. Quisque interdum nunc lectus, sit amet porttitor lectus gravida eget. Mauris sem augue, condimentum sit amet est sit amet, luctus dapibus ligula. Aenean feugiat fermentum ante et blandit. Quisque cursus at arcu at laoreet.


trusted friend

The latest addition to the manor, Felicity is the presence Iphigenia has been needing. A sane female vampire she can talk to. They get along swimmingly, bonding over bloodwine and the latest gossip. Missing fangs or not, Felicity is one of the best vampires she's met in her lifetime. (But arguably, she hasn't met a lot of good ones.)


Name Surname

Mauris aliquet magna quam, et sollicitudin elit aliquam ut. Proin rhoncus tortor a orci sollicitudin, nec gravida ipsum laoreet. Donec finibus sit amet est quis gravida. Sed luctus tellus quis feugiat ultrices. Etiam eget euismod mauris. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Fusce vitae libero purus. Cras a diam sodales, auctor ex eu, placerat est. Quisque tortor arcu, hendrerit eu nunc non, tempus efficitur felis. Ut sollicitudin lorem in risus sollicitudin consequat. Fusce porta volutpat interdum. Sed fringilla ullamcorper sollicitudin. Quisque interdum nunc lectus, sit amet porttitor lectus gravida eget. Mauris sem augue, condimentum sit amet est sit amet, luctus dapibus ligula. Aenean feugiat fermentum ante et blandit. Quisque cursus at arcu at laoreet.


Name Surname

Mauris aliquet magna quam, et sollicitudin elit aliquam ut. Proin rhoncus tortor a orci sollicitudin, nec gravida ipsum laoreet. Donec finibus sit amet est quis gravida. Sed luctus tellus quis feugiat ultrices. Etiam eget euismod mauris. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Fusce vitae libero purus. Cras a diam sodales, auctor ex eu, placerat est. Quisque tortor arcu, hendrerit eu nunc non, tempus efficitur felis. Ut sollicitudin lorem in risus sollicitudin consequat. Fusce porta volutpat interdum. Sed fringilla ullamcorper sollicitudin. Quisque interdum nunc lectus, sit amet porttitor lectus gravida eget. Mauris sem augue, condimentum sit amet est sit amet, luctus dapibus ligula. Aenean feugiat fermentum ante et blandit. Quisque cursus at arcu at laoreet.