03 -> Mutations



6 years, 11 months ago


Chimeraling Patterns

Common Traits

  • Tips: A chimeraling with the tips pattern has darker-colored tips on its ears and paws. These can be, as mentioned, a darker color or sometimes a completely different color.
  • Banded: A banded chimeraling has multiple bands of a different color on its arms. Again, this color can be a variation of its base color, or a totally different color!
  • Dyed: A dyed chimeraling has a different color painted into its fur on top of its head. This can be literally any color, and can sometimes be changed, depending on if the color is natural or if the chimeraling dyed its hair itself.
Rare Traits
  • Black Snake: A chimeraling with this pattern, as its name suggests, has a snake tail that is much darker in color then the rest of its body. These tails are usually more poisonous, and the chimeraling can be more aggressive than others.
  • White Snake: The opposite of the black snake pattern, a white snake is often less poisonous. These chimeralings often communicate better between their two brains, and are more emotionally supportive then their darker counterparts.
  • Freckled: A freckled chimeraling has dark spots, primarily on their face. These chimeralings LOVE to be outside, and love to run around in the sunlight. They are typically very capable of befriending animals and humans alike, and are very in tune with nature.

Super Rare Traits

  • Windy: These chimeralings have wispy markings in a pale color all over their body. These patterns are typically cooler than the rest of their bodies, and are very good for people that enjoy cold things. The patterns are also softer than the rest of their fur.
  • Voided: Voided chimeralings are very close to the opposite of windy ones. They have dark patterns all over their bodies, which are much warmer and very good for people who prefer warm temperatures. Like windy chimeralings, the patterns are softer than the rest of their fur.
  • Sparkles: These chimeralings are theorized to have some from space. They have glittery patterns covering their bodies, which are thought to be like stars. They seem very distant sometimes, and are very good listeners.