Fashexing De



3 years, 16 days ago


Toxic Traveler

Name Fashexing De
Age 24
Gender Male
Role Recovery
Theme Poison


  • Exploring
  • Full Moon Nights
  • The Dark
  • Neon Lights


  • Huge Bursts of Fire
  • Hot Summer Days
  • content
  • content

Radioactive * Toxic * Neon

A couple of decades ago, an injured baby was found on the stone steps of the Jidoku Temple, located in the Mirakogai Region, on the furthest edge of the cities. The child was only a few days old and was born with three tails glowing with radioactive power. Everything he came in contact with began to erode or glow with radioactivity. The Child was raised by the priests of the temple, in time they found out that the baby had natural jet black hair until he cried or used his abilities and it gained an almost green glow and lime green and neon violet highlights. This color never fully overcame his jet black and so far never has. The priests named him Fashexing De with no last name to allow him to take on any he would like when he got older. Though the priests were nice to him and cared for him the best they could, Fashexing ran away many times in his youth. Most of the time he ran off to one particular abandoned village in the cursed lands. It was there that he cultivated his abilities and learned the tricks of the barren lands. He eventually moved out of the temple to travel the cursed lands, where he met someone in trouble. After saving and escorting the stranger back to civilization he made it his purpose to save others from terrible fates in the cursed lands. He travels the cursed lands collecting strange trinkets and curious friendship.

HTML by Eggy