Star Ocean Jasper



3 years, 26 days ago


A Jasper may be sweet with anyone at first glance, but once they become 'friends', the Jasper will make them fuse against their will; even if it means 'mind controlling' them or manipulating them to do so.


Name: Star Ocean Jasper

Nickname(s): Ocean, Starry, Quiet One

Weapon: while technically they don't have a "given" weapon, they did at one point steal a gem destabilizer and a rejuvenator. the destabilizer is used when the gem won't fuse willingly, and the rejuvenator is used for when she gets tired of her fusion partner and unfuses with them, can't have her secret getting out.

Pronouns: She/They

Romantic Orientation: ???

Gem Placement: it's on her hat but you could technically say it's on her head

Personality: When you first meet her, she will be very sweet and kind, being very polite. seemingly kind of shy! but once you are considered friends, that is when their true colours shine through. she's manipulative, a lair, very abrasive, blunt and all around just a big fucking jerk.

Skills/Powers: typical jasper abilities (super strength, spin/energy dash, shapeshifting etc), underwater breathing, advanced swimming, mind control (out of her hat  4-8 tentacles come out and wrap around the person/gem, 2 of them will touch either the forehead of the person or the gemstone of the gem and that allows her to control them into fusing with her)

History/Backstory: no one really knows where Ocean Star Jasper came from; as far as most know she just showed up one day and that was that. some theorize she came from one of Ocean Green Diamond's kindergartens be there hasn't been any real proof of that. Star mostly hangs out around the courts, bouncing between them, but when they do show up it's not long before they mysteriously disappear along with another gem. eventually, the other gem does return, rejuvenated, but unharmed for the most part... but also without Star Ocean Jasper. soon words go around that Star Ocean Jasper is somewhere else now, but no one really connects the dots...