Okiekun, Tabig & Kalayo



6 years, 9 months ago



"Ooga booga spooky boogy"

  • Name || Obiekun, Tabig and Kalayo
  • Called || Guardian, Fire and Water children
  • Age || 200
  • Weight|| 0kg
  • Gender || Males
  • Pronouns || He/hims
  • Sexuality || ???
  • Race || Spirits
  • Origin || America
  • Occupation || 
  • Status || ???
  • Voice|| Kalayo - Owen, Tabig - Mark


⇀ Description

Obiekun is the pitch black shadow ghost, he is the oldest and more mature of the two. He is brave and is a guardian of the two. Obiekun is very warm and his movements resemble fire.

Tabig is the blue ghost, he is often very easy manipulable and has a rather nihilistic view on the world. He is the nicer than his brother and will often play nice with his chosen victims. Tabig is shy, and not very easy to talk to.

Kalayo is a hot headed red ghost, he is very stubborn and doesn't really care about whats going on in the world. He is rather nasty and can be very blunt and harsh. Kalayo however is easily befriended, if you can take all of his sarcastic remarks.

⇀ Preferences


  • water
  • nature
  • fire
  • chaos


  • churches
  • cities
  • crowds
  • milk


⇀ Description

  • Height ||  5ft (150cm), Obiekun is 10ft (300cm)
  • Build || average (Obiekun is muscular)
  • Eyes || dark with bright pupils (Obiekun has white eyes)
  • Skin tone || Blue and red (Obiekun is black)
  • Hair colour || -
  • Hair style || floats, medium
  • Demeanour || Cocky, smart and sarcastic and sad, depressed, negative, shy and angry, hysterical, positive and confident.
  • Style || -

    Obiekun is a pitch black ghost that may be described as a shadow with white glowing eyes. The warmer he gets, the bigger and faster he becomes.

    Tabig is a blue ghost with dark blue markings decorating his shoulders and underbelly.
    Kalayo is a red ghost with dark red markings decorating his shoulders and underbelly.
    They both have tear like markings going down their face and black, void like eyes.

    Kalayo's underbelly marking has the norse alphabet for FIRE decorating it: Eldr
    Tabig's underbelly marking has the norse alphabet for WATER decorating it: Vatn

    Kalayo has faint dotted scars decorating each and every limb, this was a scar from how his mother cut him up and dissected him. Tabig is the same, but instead of the scars being dotted, they are deep and jaggered, scarring deep in his neck, under his chest and his nether regions. This is where the killer chopped him up.

⇀ Important Notes

  • Tabig always looks sad
  • Kalayo always looks mad
  • The insides of their mouth is very vibrant and bright
  • Tabig has a slime like texture, when he is cut, his insides are similar to slime. You can put your hand into him and it will feel like slime.
  • Kalayo has a floral foam like texture. You can squeeze him and it will feel like floral foam.

⇀ Moodboard



⇀ Background

Obiekun was once a human named Georgie. Georgie grew up in a rich estate but his mother was an alcoholic and father was hardly home. When Georgie grew up, he had to repeat his final year in school due to him missing a lot of it. Despite the hardships in his childhood, the male was positive and happy to everyone and anyone, unfortunately on his 19th birthday, he was out in a pub to celebrate with the bartender and an arsonist threw a Molotov at the alcohol behind the desk, many people managed to escape but a select few could not. Georgie was one of them, he was stuck behind a wooden banister from the roof, knowing he wasn't going to escape, he took his last smoke and burnt to death. He is male.

Tabig and Kalayo were originally called Tay and Keran, but their names got distorted and deranged over the time. They were young children when they were seperated, Tabig went to his father, Kalayo went to his mother. Obiekun only met them in the afterlife.

Tabig is a blue spirit, his face is sad and depressed, his markings sharp; he died as a kid when a killer drowned him in the sea and mutilated his body. Now the sad spirit accompanies his doppelganger, Kalayo, to scar children's mental health, as a revenge...or for fun, you pick. He was born as a girl and spent his childhood in a transphobic environment, causing him to run away to his fate. He is nonbinary.

Kalayo is a red spirit, his face is angry and full of hate, his markings curved; he died as a kid when his mother killed, cooked and ate him. Now the vengeful spirit hates any loving family he lays his void-filled eyes on and will not hesitate to make that child be taken away from their parents. He is male.

⇀ Family

Kalayo and Tabig are both distant brothers, they are always together no matter what.

Byte is Obiekun's little brother. When he died, Byte grew very depressed, it was only 3 months until he took his life by jumping from a building and ultimately killing himself. Obiekun was extremely mad and upset when he heard of this, but calmed down when Byte explained that it was better this way. The two now often meet and hang out. 


⇀ Present

The vengeful ghosts roam busy cities in America, stealing food and causing little mischievous acts during the night, during the day, they are sleeping in a graveyard or somewhere abandoned why they will not be disturbed. 

⇀ Misc

These two spirits are mysterious, they are small yet scary. While none of them kill, they can mess up someone's life forever. Some people think it's their revenge for what happened to them as kids, but truth be told, it's just their nature.

Those who can stand the two long enough will eventually befriend the spirits, which in return, Kalayo and Tabig will help protect and even give their friend something good.

Obiekun is a chaotic evil emotional sociopath who likes to capture lone wanderers and play with their bodies with torture instruments like it was a game. He feels as if this is vengeance for how his mortal life was. Despite this, if anyone knew him during his mortal life, he will treat them with respect and pretend that he is back to his normal happy self.

Obiekun smokes and drinks

Main relationships

Tabig is dating Freya