


3 years, 7 days ago



A charismatic Ashuri, easy to get along with, and always willing to help. He commands a natural respect and others find him easy to follow, even if those who do wind up mysteriously disappearing...

25 OBO
April 17

x + x

"I don't care what you want. I care that you're safe."


Gods are cruel, merciless creatures.

This is something he would come to learn with time - but in the moment, their quest had seemed so righteous - after slowly watching his parents die, and the impending ticking clock - why should they live just as long as the humans? The price of challenging the status quo was far greater than he imagined, way back when, when he felt things so passionately.

In hell is where he found her.

An Ashuri, attempting to hide from the beasts, baring her weapon in self-defense. Her name was Tori - and she had been against the war, and for that, she still experienced the same punishment. She did not wish to fight, she was alone, and afraid. Onyx couldn't help but feel pity - he may have been outraged at his punishment, but someone like Tori - seemed especially cruel. He felt determined not to let the gods win.

He kept her safe.


The centuries of fighting changed them. Tori became more handy with a sword, able to hold her own, even though in her eyes you could see how much she hated it. Onyx became numb to the pain. Whatever revolutionary he was in his youth was long gone - all he cared about was keeping Tori safe. Nothing else really mattered. Once the Ashuris were released from their torment, Tori begged for them to find a quiet cabin away from the drama. He easily agreed, barely even caring about the curse. It was so jarring - going from constant war to now this - he felt constantly on edge, like at any moment, the rug would be pulled out from underneath him, like this was all another cruel joke. Tori did her best to help him, but - it's not like she was handling it well either - the horrible things she had to do for centuries hung heavily over her.

Some days their little cottage was the most beautiful place on earth. Other days, it was just another of Tetru's cruel tricks. They tried not to think about it.


They were perhaps slightly too removed from the rest of society - out of the loop. Perhaps they would've known better, then, if they knew the tensions occurring - Onyx's head rings as his eyes open, coughing up blood as he pulls himself off the floor, looking over to see Tori's lifeless body.

What do you do, when you've lost the only important thing you had left in your life?

Revenge is easy. The rest is much harder. The body sits on top of their bed, he needs to take it to the musoleum. She looked the same as she had the day she died - she wasn't dead yet. She was trapped back in that hell - alone this time. And while it was tempting to join her - there was a better way to bring her back.

From centuries of voluntary exile, Onyx slowly reintegrated himself into Ashuri society. He had a plan - a new goal. He had to win that tournament - as soon as possible, and by any means necessary. No matter what it took, all to get Tori back, to return her soul to her body.

After all, it was not the first time he had killed for a worthy cause.


Onyx is, at first glance, charming. While not a big talker, he always seems easygoing and is easy to get along with. He has a natural air of leadership to him, which makes him easy to follow along with. All of this, however, is purely surface level - an act he puts on for the sake of effiency. Deep down, his emotions and feelings have been eroded away by the centuries of torment he faced. He does not truly care about anything - only Tori. He is not burdened by conscience or morals - whatever needs to be done in order to achieve his goals, will simply be accomplished.

  • Red Bean Buns
  • The stars
  • Spicy foods
  • Tori
  • Sweets
  • Pink
  • Tetru
  • Executioners

Introvert Extrovert
Friendly Challenging
Curious Cautious
Nervous Confident
Disciplined Carefree



deceased girlfriend. he is currently hellbent on bringing her back by any means necessary.


This is some info about the relationship your character has with this character. Basic info works best.


This is some info about the relationship your character has with this character. Basic info works best.


  • Sad Machine - Porter Robinson
  • Agnes - Glass Animals
  • Oh No! - Marina + The Diamonds
  • Reincarnation - Gumi + Rin
  • Casualty Flower - Rin + Len
  • 13th Apocalypse - Rin + Len

Designed by teaunicorn
Sidebar by NightAbyss