Yaya吖吖 (INFO)






Age Legal

Gender Male (Any Pronouns)


An easy going and fun loving guy. Yaya's a sociable and flirtatious person who likes to joke around and be casual with everybody and anyone. Although he can be serious if there's a need, he prefers to chill.


Yaya lived an average life with no special history or sad past to unlock. Their playboy and social nature lies in their dislike of being on their own, hence they seek the company of anyone willing. It's more fun with others, is their reasoning, and they'll make sure to make your time worth it.

He doesn't mind being in the spotlight either - as long as someone is paying attention to him, he repays it in kind. Maybe that's why being an UTAU works for him.

He can do any type of song but he likes songs that are especially fun to sing to - be it in lyric writing or melody. His base pitch is A2 for now, please treat him with care.

"I'm nothing special, just another talkative mouth, average guy on the streets kinda type.
But if you want, I can be special to you."