Paloma Garon



3 years, 20 days ago


Paloma in a Nutshell

Main Personality Traits: 

- Boisterous 

- Proud 

- Stubborn 

- Affectionate 

Gender and Pronouns: Female (cis) and she/her 

Age: 35 

Sexuality: Lesbian

Type of being: Giant angora Lagomorian (Or rabbit person, in other words.)

Job: Fugitive. Will do odd jobs for money though, especially if they're adventurer's type jobs that involve dragon slaying or similar


- Travelling companion to Cadogan- Paloma considers her a best friend, Cadogan... not so much.

- Travelling companion to Yasuko- Paloma considers her to be a playful rival

Short Bio: 

Paloma is a boisterous lady who is currently on the run from the law, due to an attempt to frame her and her companion. Though the life of an outlaw is a dangerous one, she is enjoying it thoroughly and doesn't feel too pressured to clear her name. Her boisterous nature means that she finds it difficult to lay low- she wants to start fights for fun; join in with the activities of local people in villages they visit and the like.

She's incredibly proud, particularly where her appearance and strength are concerned. She makes sure to keep her hair well-groomed and likes doing her makeup, in spite of the fact that she's on the run. As to her strength, she works hard to improve it and loves a chance to pick up heavy things to show off. She doesn't take insults well at all; she'll fight you over minor comments. If you apologise well enough, she may forgive you, but getting her forgiveness is difficult.

In spite of all this, she's a very affectionate friend. She tends to show affection by patting her friends' shoulder/head or just bear hugging them. She will also make flower crowns and do make up for friends who like those things. She likes hearing about her friends' interests and is an eager listener.

Before becoming an outlaw, she was a soldier and quite frankly, hated that life. She was forced into it by her family, who thought that it'd make her behave more calmly. It did not. If anything, it just made her wilder. She hates being told what to do; she would talk back to superiors and start fights at the drop of a hat.

This all changed after a popular general of her army became very sick. A local healer was sent for, as she had experience in treating local epidemics. This healer was Cadogan.

Paloma was told to assist Cadogan treating the General, as a punishment.

Cadogan had been called out much too late, however and the general died. She was falsely accused of having killed the general and Paloma helped her escape imprisonment. The two have decided to travel together for the time being.

Misc Trivia: 

- Paloma is very attached to her warhammer, the Lunarkis. Indeed, it's a comfort item for her, so she'll hold it if she feels gloomy or nervous.

- She is her world's equivalent to a half giant. As such, regular items look small in comparison to her. For example, she can hold a melon in one hand, much like a regular person would hold an apple. On the flip side, Paloma's items will feel big and unwieldy to a regular person.

- She has some rabbit-like mannerisms. For example, she moves her ears to hear things better; taps her foot when agitated and will bounce on her toes when excited.