Freebie (DESC)'s Comments

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this guy open? i'd name em geno, such a cool name. theyre so pretty AJEBWJDWDH

anyways, a good piece of advice is to use respectable language and approach people first, most are as intimidated as you!

Hello!! Is this still open? If it is, I'd love to adopt this bean :) -- If you're curious, I'd probably name them Slate!

And the advice (I'm not good with this stuff myself) but maybe start talking about what you have in common, and branch out a bit after that. Idk lol

Lovely lovely! I'd name this bean Shy'Cloud if i'd ever get em!

For the advice i'd recommend ask about interests/hobbies. Maybe see if you guys are in similar communities or like watching a few similar youtubers? Maybe? It's how I make friends that is. So that's basically the best advice one could get.

hey theyre super cute! if theyre still available I was wondering if I could adopt them?
i would use em as a warrior cats oc! i'd probably name them tumblesky if u were curious :]

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I MEAN RECENTLY IVE BEEN GOING WITH THE GO INTO EVERY CONVERSATION YELLING TECHNIQUE. It's just fun being hyperactive qnd generally if you go in with high energy people try to match it. Idk I'm no expert, im just kinda gOiN, ya know? 

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I'm not a expert making friends! actually i have just a few, but they are really good friends! sooo here are some advices!

-Never try to be somebody who you aren't! be yourself!! a lot of people is going to love you for the person you are! 

-Talk about what do you like! and ask the other what they like

-Be nice! do little things like small gifts to strangers, compliments abour their clothes or their hair! people loves this! you are going to make the day of more than one person with that! and maybe you will find a really good friend with that! That is how i normally make friend hehe

-Don't be impatient, the universe will give you friends someday! just relax and enjoy! 

I would love to get them! Uh I don't really know how to talk to people--- idk, don't be mean ig? but that's just common knowledge. 

what a cutie!!! Dhjsjhdhbfjdisjhdje

thank you!!

Jsjdnens. Whats its namee

i havent given him a name yet lmao, he was an impulse design literally made in 5 minutes

Nebbie (Neh-bee) would be soo cute!

oo i actually love that! imma use it, thank you!!

4 Replies