Kaiyo Mizumi



2 years, 11 months ago


Name Kaiyo Mizumi
Nickname(s) Kai | Mizu | Yomi | Fish-Face
Alias Tsumizu
Birthday May 30
Age 16
Gender Female
Height 154 cm
Hair Color Sky Blue
Skin Color Dark Blue
Eye Color Sky Blue
Blood type B-
Quirk Water Pressure
Occupation Student
Affiliation U.A. High School
Status Alive
Fighting style Varied Support


  • Kaiyo's given name cantains the kanji for ocean (海洋)(kaiyo) while her surname contians the kanji for water (水)(mizu) and beauty (美)(mi).
  • Kaiyo loves summer time and going to the beach! It's the best way to pass the time on a hot summer day, in her opinion.
  • Kaiyo is left handed.
  • Kaiyo has the neatest handwriting this world has ever seen. Need to as a classmate for their notes... she's the girl to ask.
  • Kaiyo hates sea food! She will completley refuse to eat something if she knows theres fish in it.
  • Kaiyo has a large fish tank in her room full of fishy friends that she's aquired over the years. She gives all of them names can sometimes be found talking to them about life, the universe and everything.
  • Kaiyo’s U.A. Data is as Follows:
    • Student No. 16 in Class 1-A
    • Got in on Recommendations
    • Ranked 6rd in Aizawa’s quirk apprehension test
    • Ranked 9th in class 1-A’s mid term grades
    • Ranked in the top 50 of the U.A. Sports Festival First Year Stage
  • Kaiyo loves to go shopping and has a closet overflowing with cute and stylish clothing.
  • Kaiyo's favorite colors are orange and pink, she feels that they look good with her blue skin and hair.
  • Kaiyo likes to journal in her free time, she has decent collection of filled up diarys in her room that basically cronical her life from about the age of seven to the present day.
  • Kaiyo originally applied to both U.A. and Shiketsu, deciding to go to U.A. after acing both schools exams. She decided agaisnt Shikestu because the uniform would have blended right into her skin and she didn't want that!
  • Kaiyo loves sweet and tangy foods. She is almost never seen without some kind of sweet snack on her person that she can share with her friends.
  • Kaiyo is absolutly terrified of dogs, her childhood neigbors had a rather agressive one that once got out of it's yard and chased her up and down the street before it's owners finally caught it.
  • Though she doesn't look it, Kaiyo is actully quite well off. Her father is a pro hero and her mother is a powerful and influential business woman. Kaiyo isn't spoiled though, she has to earn her share and work hard for her shopping money.
  • Kaiyo's favorite Pro Hero's, besides her father, are All Might, Hawks and Gang Orca.
  • Kaiyo loves to play various differnet musical intruments. She learned them all out of bordom and sometimes plays mini concerts for her friends.
Enhanced Eyesight
Kaiyo has above average eyesight. She can see clearly in the dark, underwater and see a great distance away effortlessly.
Enhanced Hearing
Kaiyo has above average hearing, allowing her to pick up on small or far away sounds and dicern what they are or whats being said easily. She can also reconse her friends and classmats voices in a croud.
Quick Reflexes
Kaiyo is extremly quick and light on her feet. This comes naturally to her and has been enhanced through training, making her a difficult target to hit in battle.

Water Pressure Emitter | Varied

Kaiyo's quirk, along with possessing attributes of hydrokinesis and a fish mutation, allows her to generate high pressure streams of water from her body.
The strength of these streams is dependent on how much water she has in her body at any given time, how much moisture there is in the air around her and her emotions.

Along with producing pressurised streams of water, Kaiyo is also capable of manipulating the water she produces via hydrokinesis. She can shape it and change its density and properties to do more damage. She can also use it as protection for herself and her friends. Her water is versatile and she can do a multitude of different things with it.

  • Fish Mutation
    Kaiyo also possesses a fish mutation that allows her to swim fast, see in the dark and breathe underwater.
Super Moves

Rain Dance
Kaiyo genrates a rain like mist of water that is designed to lower visiability while also giving her something to manipulate later on if need be.
Kaiyo shoots several small, concetrated jets of water out of her finger tips at once and then amipulates them to use as weapons or capture devices.
Water Gun
Kaiyo shoot a small yet powerful jet of water at her taget that she can maipuplate to do various levels of damge based on the temprature and density of the jet.
  • Water Gun Burst
    Instead of a contiuous stream, Kaiyo rapidly shoots a barage of bullet like constructs that are made to do more wide spread damage.
Hydro Pump
Kaiyo blasts a concetreate spiral of water at top spped at her opponent. Catching them in swirling voratex and disorienting them.
Kaiyo generates as much water as she can proceeds to unleash it at her atrget in one monsterous wave. This move is strongest but it tends to cause a lot of colateral damage.

Hero Costume
Kaiyo's Hero Costume, dsign to hlep strengthen her quirk while also counteracting it's negantive side affects. Allowing her to perform better in a battle situation.
  • Kaiyo Suit
    The main portion of Kaiyo's hero costume, water proff and design to be streamlined and cut restiance when swimming at high speeds.
  • Kaiyo Blasters
    Kaiyo's water blaster's. They attach around her wrists and are conected to a water tank at her back. They allow her to control how much water she produces at any given time as well help her concentrate the blasts better.
  • Kaiyo Belt
    Kaiyo's utility belt. It has several compartments built into it for storing water bottles, first aid supplies and snacks. It is also design to be streamlined so as to not inhibit swimming.
  • Kaiyo Boots
    Kaiyo's boots. Designed to help her propell herself forward while swiming as well as allowing her to walk on water at the flip of a switch. They use small jets built into the soles to help her swim and simple floation devices to help her walk along the surface of the water.
  • Kaiyo Tank
    The water tank at Kaiyo's back. It stores extra water for her to use in battle as well as collects up extra water she creates so that she can use it again later. The tank is conected directly to her water balsters, allowing her to use them effectively.

Kaiyo is upbeat and energetic girl with a constant smile and overly peppy attitude.
She loves to meet new people and is often the life of the party, so to speak. She seems friendly and approachable and can often be found adopting the shy kids around her into her friend group on whim. She has a lot of friends because of this and has, for quite some time now, been considered somewhat of a popular girl by her peers. Kaiyo is fully aware of this label and does her best to be the type of popular girl you actually want to be friends with instead of the sterotypical snobby rich girl who loos down her nose at others.

Kaiyo is unabashidly kind and helpful, to the point of being a bit overbearing at times. She loves to help those around her and feels like she hasn't acomplished anything in a day if she dosen't do at least one nice, kind or helpful thing. She see's being kind a helpful to those around you as one of the best attributes anyone, especially a future hero, can have.
Though she always has good intentions, sometimes her help just isnt wanted or needed. She knows it's a little silly, but Kaiyo will sometimes get offended when people turn down her help or reject her kindness. She's working on fixing that little issue, as it it very unbecoming to sit and sulk when someone says they can handle it on their own.

Kaiyo, though kind and helpful, is also quite proud. She takes a lot of pride in her studies and hero work. Her pride is her weakness, often causing her to take charge when not needed or try to run things the way she thinks is best. She has also been know to rufuse help because of her pride.
She is, at least partially, aware of the fact that her pride is an issue and is trying desperatly to fix it. She dosen't want people to be annoyed with her.

Kaiyo can be a bit of a people pleaser at times and will go out of her way to make those around her feel good. This means that keeps opinions to herslef a lot, as she doesn't a=want to offend, and keeps her own negative feeling down as well so that the people around her can be happy as well.
This is one issuethat she doesn't seem to relise is problem. She see's no issue with keeping her negitive feelings to herself. She see's other peoples happiness and well being as more inportant than her own and goes great lengths to showcase this.

All in all, Kaiyo is a sweet, friendly and proud young lady with a heart of gold and huge smile.


  • Going to the Beach
  • Magic Shows
  • Tropical Fish
  • Sweet Foods`
  • Making New Friends
  • Festivals and Firework Shows
  • Summer
  • Sunny Days
  • Swimming
  • Cloud Watching
  • Fireflies
  • Shoujo Manga

  • Stormy Days
  • Being Stuck Inside
  • Overly Spicy or Bitter Foods
  • Dark Places
  • Horror Movies
  • Dogs
  • Creepy Crawlies
  • Overly Agressive People
  • Overly Dry Places
  • Hypocrites, Jerks and Perverts
  • Judgy People
  • Being Underestimated
Write something here.

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Morbi dapibus, velit nec facilisis pellentesque, metus odio pretium purus, ac vestibulum velit lacus vel quam. Phasellus et malesuada metus. Vestibulum id tincidunt felis, scelerisque volutpat felis. Nam justo justo, malesuada sit amet odio dapibus, rhoncus aliquam ante. Nullam bibendum sagittis risus, a gravida lacus imperdiet eget. Donec sit amet lobortis justo. Mauris consequat libero sed dolor volutpat, vitae venenatis sem placerat. Pellentesque non risus maximus, sollicitudin purus a, luctus ligula. Sed congue tristique orci vel semper. Etiam faucibus, urna rhoncus congue scelerisque, diam libero vulputate justo, sit amet ultricies nunc odio vel libero. Nullam venenatis augue accumsan rutrum euismod. Donec nisi nisi, volutpat efficitur felis sit amet, ultricies pulvinar ex. Vivamus accumsan porta tempor.

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Koi Mizumi Mother

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Denki Kaminari Love Interest

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Tsuyu Asui Best Friend

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Name Relationship

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Name Relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Accumsan lacus vel facilisis volutpat est.

Name Relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Accumsan lacus vel facilisis volutpat est.

Name Relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Accumsan lacus vel facilisis volutpat est.

Name Relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Accumsan lacus vel facilisis volutpat est.

Name Relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Accumsan lacus vel facilisis volutpat est.

Name Relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Accumsan lacus vel facilisis volutpat est.

Name Relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Accumsan lacus vel facilisis volutpat est.