静香 由紀 / Alex Yuki



3 years, 15 days ago


  • 静香 由紀 (Shizuka Yuki)

  • Alex Yuki

  • 1f82e7fc443d7fe7c070b67cc082a7e5ebea4da9
  • age 16
  • gender Female
  • race 3/4 Japanese, 1/4 Canadian
  • role Student
  • theme

Calm • logical • mysterious


Alex grew up isolating herself from other people. She often hides one of her eyes to avoid being asked questions and needing to socialize. Throughout her life, she used drawing as a way to pass time and simply relax.

Once she moved into high school, she had to move to a dorm near the school. And that's where she met Xavier, Felix, and Lexi. The four of them became very close, and her life began to change.

 "Being unique and being different is not the same." 

height 170cm, 5'5ft
birthday 3rd November
pronouns She/her
Single or dating? single
Sexuality Straight
Body Type healthy, slightly skinny
Species Human
occupation Student, Artist
mbti INFP
Hair color Brown (dyed blue streak)
Eye color Right: Red/brown Left: Blue
Spoken Languages English, Japanese
Status Alive
Zodiac Scorpio 


  • Cats and snakes
  • Being alone
  • Noodles
  • Spending time with Xavier
  • Drawing, reading manga and watching anime 


  • People
  • Getting attention
  • Dresses and skirts
  • Spicy food

Meeting the demon and the dragon

Alex, Xavier, Felix, and Lexi were casually spending their weekend together when Alex saw something in an alleyway. She went to investigate and to her surprise, she saw a tall person with horns lying on the floor, mumbling about food and water. Next to the person was a small serpent-like dragon, shaking the man trying to wake him up. Alex called the others to get some water and food and gave it to the horned person. He scarfed the food and water down and thanked all of them. He introduced himself as Zero, a demon from hell with no way back. And introduced Kayda, his little dragon companion friend.

Living with creatures from hell

Zero told everyone his story, and how he has no place to stay. Lexi proposed the idea of letting Zero stay with them in the dorms. Alex was hesitant with this idea at first, but didn't want to leave Zero on the streets, and gave in.


Xavier Moon

[ Best friend, crush (?), classmate, dormmate ] Xavier was the first one to welcome Alex, and would always chat with her. She enjoys his company and considers him her closest friend. The two of them love playing video games and cooking together. 


Felix Lambert

[ Friend, classmate, dormmate ] Alex finds them slightly annoying and doesn't understand their joy of being in the spotlight. However, she still sees them as a friend, and would ask them for socializing and fashion advice.


Lexi Anderson

[ Friend, classmate, dormmate ] Alex sees Lexi and her complete opposites. Lexi always makes sure that Alex is positive, and peer pressures her to do things she's never done before. Alex sees Lexi as a younger sister.


[ Friend, dormmate ] Alex was the one who found Zero in an alleyway, and the one who saved him from starving to death. She finds his abilities very interesting and always askes him about what hell is like, and would draw it based on his description. Zero has attempted to flirt with her multiple times, but Alex treats this as one of his personality traits and would simply change the topic.


[ Friend, dormmate ] Alex has always liked the concept of dragons, so she would always interact with her. When Alex found out that Kayda can morph into other animals, she would constantly ask Zero if she could have Kayda model for her to draw, or just to play with her.

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