


Age: 19-20✦ Nonbinary (They/He) ✦ Gender: Human (Japanese)✦ Sexuality: Asexual Panromantic maybe or Pansexual Panromantic






A lanky person with dyed blue hair. They almost always wear a gray-ish blue cat hoodie over a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up to their elbows, pale red pants, and turquoise sneakers.


  • Their birthday is July 9 (2017)!
  • They do their own eyelashes, and often will paint their nails pink to remind them of Jamie.
  • Their favorite girl from Love Live is Mari, and their Dream UR is Angel Mari, which they did not get in her scouting :'D
    • Their favorite girl from Muse is Kotori, with Nozomi a close second
    • They had the Yohane zoo UR, Little Devil Nico UR, Hanamaru zoo UR for the first few months they played, and got the Nico flower UR, circus Kanan UR (idolized), and birthstone Eli UR all in a short period.
    • They've been playing for almost a year now.
    • Their OTP is YohaMari (and they're lowkey pissed that Yohane wasn't the other Angel UR)
  • They rarely dance, but they're a decent enough singer, and can do the entirety of Start Dash
  • They're single, but they've got a crush on a guy that they knew before they came out as nonbinary
    • After Jamie's death, Haru became distant with him, and has tried to avoid being crushed by the guilt of pushing him away.
  • They collect videogame figures
  • They rarely remember to eat, living entirely off of juiceboxes.
    • When they do eat, it's usually snacks of fruit and Cool Ranch Doritos
    • They like light meals, even during Thanksgiving.
      • But they may overload their plate with cranberry sauce.
  • They love talking to their (mostly online) friends, and will often stay up until 3AM to play videogames and talk to them.
  • May have played football in the past, but mostly with family
  • 100% has those cyber neko glowing cat ear headphones
  • Their favorite Doki Doki Literature Club Member is Sayori.

Artist Tips

  • Gender neutral! They do wear makeup
  • They're Japanese, so please keep that in mind
  • They're a thin bean
  • They  usually wear their hoodie (it's hard to get them to take it off), but  for formal events, they prefer a blouse and slacks compared to a suit or  dress.
  • They tol
  • Their hair is blue, but it can be anything from just blue to being dyed blue
  • I prefer them with their hoodie up, but if you want to draw it down, that's fine!
  • They may wear headphones
  • Please ask before putting them in alt outfits. Headphones are okay, but otherwise, please ask.
  • Eggs and toast
  • Video games
  • Cold drinks
  • Blankets
  • Blue
  • Music!!!
  • Their Hoodie
  • Cats
  • X Trains
  • X Train horns
  • X Fishing
  • X Really hot weather
  • X
  • X
  • X
  • X


Hoodie lost their younger sibling while trying to duel enroll to college at 17. Due to a strict father and transphobic/homophobic mother, Jamie  (their sibling) was the only person they felt comfortable coming out to.
They  moved out to go full-time to community college, meeting Torin as their dorm mate. When they turned 18, their best friend commissioned and sent  them their hoodie. Jamie loved cats (having a pink cat plushie that was  left behind when the train hit her), and Hoodie's favorite color is  blue. They also felt really alone in such a different environment, so  they treasure the gift with all of their heart.
After graduating from  community college, they started working at Gaymestop to help pay for rent at their new apartment. They're kind of giving themselves some time  to think about what they want to do next in their life.
They  once crushed on a guy, but they weren't out to him yet, and had only  just lost Jamie. Eventually, the two grew apart, but Hoodie still has  feelings for the guy.

Sometimes, Haru goes to see their family, usually to pay tribute to Jamie. Their father almost always takes Haru fishing, and misgenders Jamie. It's these visits that hurt Hoodie the most.

Other thing because I write Hoodie's story to a lot of people:

Hoodie has a little sister named Jamie that their mom had when she moved  from Japan to America (or whatever fictional world I have instead of  the real world but basically a fictional spin on those two countries).  Their mom and dad aren't the best to the two, and especially so when  Jamie began to realize she was trans. Hoodie (real name is Haru, so if  you see me interchanging the names, it's because they're the same  person) has always taken care of Jamie. They always saved candy for her  when they were kids, and tried to take the blame whenever something went  wrong and they were both there. Hoodie even gave Jamie a pink cat  plushie since she loved pink and cats. Jamie was hardly seen without the  plush, even when she got older. Haru does their best to be a good role  model. They duel enrolled in college while in high school so Jamie would  have someone to look up to. Whenever Haru did their best, Jamie did  hers. It was even cute when Haru started experimenting with their  gender, such as painting their nails. Jamie and Hoodie would stay up  late and paint each others nails (usually pink for Jamie and blue for  Hoodie, their respective favorite colors, but sometimes they would  switch so when they were away from each other, they could look down and  be reminded of their sibling).
Jamie was always reckless though. She  was tough and adventurous, and played in places she shouldn't,  especially the train tracks.
One day, when Hoodie was coming home from school, they saw a train going by
And a pink cat plushie in the road.

Additional Info:

Amount of arts: - 34
Money spent so far: Holy heck I have no idea. It'd be a lot at this point. Hoodie is probably very expensive lol

♪ ♫ Theme ♫ ♪ ...

  1. ....
  2. ....
  3. ....
  4. ....

♩ Voice Actress ♩ ...


A transgirl, she was an adventurous and excited child. Looking up to Hoodie as a friend/almost parental figure (due to problems  with their mother), she always kept their secrets, and tried her best when she saw them putting in the extra effort. She had her own friends, her own likes  and  dislikes, most of which her mother was strongly against. One thing she  always loved, however, was cats. She had a pink cat plushie she would carry with her everywhere (one Hoodie bought her on a birthday), even as she got older.
A bad habit she had was being a bit too reckless.  She would often play on the train tracks outside their house,  despite being told by her family not to. She got stuck one day, and on their way home, Hoodie stopped to see a train going by and a pink cat plushie in the road.  



〈 Intelligence 〉★★★★
〈 Insight 〉 ★★✰✰✰
〈 Confidence 〉 ★★★✰✰
〈 Politeness 〉 ★★★★
〈 Focus 〉 ★★★✰✰
〈 Work Ethic 〉✰✰✰✰

〈 Generosity 〉★★★★
〈  Optimism 〉 ★★✰✰✰
〈 Empathy 〉★★★★
〈 Logical 〉 ★★✰✰✰
〈 Bravery 〉 ★★★✰✰
〈 Stamina 〉 ★★✰✰✰

〈 Affection 〉 ★★★★
〈  Patience〉 ★★★★
〈  Temper 〉 ★★★✰✰
〈 Sensitivity 〉 ★★★★
〈 Creativity 〉 ★★★★
〈 Maturity 〉 ★★★✰✰

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