Gwen Blair



6 years, 10 months ago



 💀 Quote 💀
"Life sucks, then you die. But sometimes you get a second chance and make it better"

💀 Theme Song 💀
Theme song

💀 General Information 💀

• Full Name: Gwen Blair
• Pronunciation: Gwēn Blāir
• Nickname: Rose
• Gender: Female
• Species: Undead Ouigin
• Age: 24
• Sexuality: straight
• Birth Place: Nottingham, England
• Currently Living: Cambridge, England

💀 Physical Appearance 💀


• Height: 4"5
• Weight: 115
• Fur Colour: dark & light brown, dark & light  turquoise, deep brown
• Fur Length: short
• Eye Colour: light emerald green & dark green
• Tongue Colour: turquoise
• Tail(s): one


• Height: 5"2
• Weight: 115
• Skin Colour: brown with light brown "spots"
• Hair Colour: dark brown
• Hair Length: short
• Eye Colour: light emerald green & dark green

💀 Personality 💀

• Short Description: Gwen used to be a shy and quiet Ouigin. Usually behind her Sister's shadow, who unlike Gwen, was very talkative and open. Gwen usually was off on her own, studying or writing. She was also typically described as "childish" and light hearted, sweet. But, ever since she's been brought back, Gwen has been different. She's exciting and always ready to do anything, at the same time shes also serious. Determined to prove that she isn't what she used to be, and ready to take the world for what it is.
• Good Habits: Gwen doesn't let others get in her way and isn't afraid to do anything, especially when it comes to ghosts- or other undead Ouigins- she helps from time to time.
• Bad Habits: Gwen tends to forget to plan things, and usually "wings" it. She's also very cautious to trust others, and automatically thinks they'll back stab her.
• Strengths: challenging and straight forward experiences.
• Weaknesses: dealing with her sad issues and experiences in life.
• Fears: Never fully living a full life, ending up the same way her first life ended. Also, living longer than her loved ones, and being all alone again. She's also afraid of water.
• Soft Spot: her family, although they didnt really care for her, she still loves them. Also other ghosts and undead Ouigins who need help, and don't know where to go.

💀 Interests 💀

• Dream / Ambition: being the best she can be, and fulfilling her life, as well as helping others do the same.
• Occupation: Supernatural analysis
• Sport: she was never into sports
• Hobbies: writing her own books, also drawing from time to time.
• Talents: she can hear, see, and speak to spirits/ghosts, as well as demons.
• Religion: Pagan/Wiccan

💀 Likes and Dislikes 💀

• Likes:
- Roses
- Victorian dresses/necklaces
- Casper the friendly ghost
- snow
- Dogs
- clear nights
- skeletons
- other ghosts/undead Ouigins
- bats
- Halloween
- books
- willow trees

• Dislikes:
- lakes/oceans
- bright days/mornings
- her sister's cat
- demons
- Ouigins who threaten her
- Ouigins who question her job

💀 Family and Friends 💀

• Father: Octavious Blair
• Mother: Amara Blair
• Step Mother: Anna Marie/Blair
• Brother: N/A
• Step Brother: William Blair
• Sister: Amara Blair (named after her mother)
• Children:

• Best Friend: N/A
• Friends: Casper Glenn (a ghost), Meridith Glenn (the woman who performed the ritual to bring her back)
• Rivals: her sister, Aamon (demon)

• Love Interest:
• Relationship Status: single

💀 Out of 10 💀

• Speed: 5
• Agility: 6
• Strength: 3
• Stamina: 10
• Intelligence: 8
• Confidence: 5
• Magical Ability: 7

💀 Yes / No 💀

• Smoker: no
• Drinker: no
• Athletic: no
• Bookworm: yes
• Party Animal: no
• Vegetarian: no
• Glasses: no
• Contacts: no
• Scars: yes (small ones)
• Tattoos: no
• Piercings: no

💀 Good or Bad 💀

• Temper: good
• Patience: good
• Charisma: depends
• Discipline: good
• Sense of Humor: bad, she used to laugh more

💀 This or That 💀

• Optimist or Pessimist: Pessimist
• Introvert or Extrovert: introvert
• Daredevil or Cautious: daredevil
• Logical or Emotional: logical
• Disorderly or Neat: neat
• Working or Relaxing: working
• Confident or Unsure: unsure

💀 Favorite and Hated 💀

• Favorite Color: blue
• Hated Color: purple
• Favorite Food: macaroni and cheese
• Hated Food: pickles
• Favorite Drink: herbal juices
• Hated Drink: milk
• Favorite Place: Maridith's library
• Hated Place: the lake by her family's house
• Favorite Music: instrumental/peaceful music
• Hated Music: loud and disruptive music, that doesn't let her think
• Favorite Animal: Dogs
• Hated Animal: Cats, they've always seemed to despise her, she's scared of them
• Favorite School Subject: English
• Hated School Subject: sewing (being in school during the Victorian era)
• Favorite Characteristics in other people: Ouigins who are cautious and care about others first.
• Hated Characteristics in other people: Ouigins who are cocky about themselves.

💀 Backstory 💀
Gwen was born in 1820 in England. Sadly, her mother died giving birth to her. Leaving her with her father and sister, Amara. When she was young, Gwen used to be best friends with her sister. Running around her father's large mansion, playing games. Until Gwen turned 5, when her father married Anna Marie. Never having a mother around, Gwen was excited. Amara, not so much. Amara always blamed Gwen for their mother's death, and always brought it up. Anna automatically acted like a mother to Gwen and Amara, she was strict and solid. Gwen wasn't able to play around like she used to and her father stopped being nice to her. Everything turned upside down for Gwen, but she tried her best. Amara stopped acting the way she used to, and always told Gwen what to do. Now they had to act like girls, no more playing. Which wasn't a part of Gwen's agenda. But she tried to remain positive. Soon enough, Gwen got a baby brother when she was 6. She was excited and ready for having a brother to hang out with. But he seemed to have no interest in hanging out with Gwen, and soon it seemed like Gwen was a ghost to her family. Amara was way better at everything that a "girl" should do, especially sewing, and William was a boy, who soon would become a man, and take over her father's business. He was good at sports and was smart, but as he grew older William became more troublesome. William was always good at everything and soon earned a huge confidence burst. But Gwen didn't let it get to her, being ignored by her family allowed her to do what she wanted to do. She soon became enthusiased with books, they allowed her to escape from her world and become someone else. Gwen lived in her fantasy world, reading and creating her own characters. Anna always bugged her, asking her why she wasnt more like her sister or as good as her brother. Gwen was smart, but that didnt matter much as a woman in her era. She wasn't good at sewing or cooking, or anything else that was needed. Soon enough Gwen grew up to become a young woman, who by her family was a failure. But she was always there for them. It wasn't until one night, when her family hosted a ball at their mansion. Gwen was 17- her sister 19- her step mother insisted Gwen try to be normal, find a man. Amara was the best at it, confident and open, men were traveling all over her. Gwen tried to talk to other Ouigins, but she was nervous and shy, nonetheless they all weren't interested in her. Her step mother yelled at her, furious, making Gwen run away. She ran off to the lake by her family's mansion, right by the willow tree. It was her mother's tree. Gwen cried, sad and furious at the same time. Until someone shoved her into the lake, she never saw their face through her struggle, drowning. She died that night, but wasn't able to go on, stuck. Her family tried to cover it up, blocking all signs of Gwen being alive. But someone was still able to find out about her, Meridith Glenn. She lived near the Blair's mansion, tyically earning customers in the area. She sensed Gwen, walking into the Blair's land in the middle of the night. She was able to bring Gwen back, through a ritual. She now lives as a undead Ouigin, but doesn't crave brains like a zombie does. However the process of bringing her back, through a ritual, had some side affects. She now has the ability to see, hear, and talk to ghosts, Ouigins like her who were unable to move on. Gwen now spends her days helping them, but also fighting off the demons that linger on some of these ghost & spirits. Along with Meridith and Casper. Gwen is also immortal, but if she wishes there is a way to end her life through a ritual. William now owns the family business. Before dying, she didn't have her skeleton markings but a normal brown coat, when being brought back to life her coat had them. Marking her forever as a undead Ouigin.

💀 Aesthetic 💀

💀 Designed By Lord Of Naps 💀


Template gotten from Shirogalaxy Arts
