Ren "Tsuyoi" Ichimaki (bio (full))



4 months, 30 days ago


NAME: Ren "Tsuyoi" Ichimaki



AGE: 22-24 (varies in aus; legal)

RACE:  Dorakyaarufu (Dragon + Canine/Feline genes.)

Siblings: Katsu,Rikkio, Dark, Aries, Dawnsky

MAIN DETAILS/SUMMARY: Ren is the 3rd eldest/4th youngest in the Ichimaki Family who also goes to the same academy as the rest of his siblings. He's also the deputy of their Police Department District (PDD)

NATIONALITY: Haitian/Japanese

OCCUPATION(S): Police Deputy; Student; Mechanic; Carpenter (these last two are more so sub jobs, hes skilled in them though)

PERSONALITY: bIG Golden Retriever; A very happy and bright guy, doesn't let too many things bother him and isn't easy to angry (doesn't mean you can't hurt him emotionally or make him sad.); Always smiling or wearing a positive expression on his face; sees the bright side of most things

LIKES: Spicy food (All kinds tbh); ONIGIRI!!!; his motorcycle is his life, guns of all kinds, BIRBS, video games, summer and fall time, the beach, shopping for jackets, Autumn, training or training his team members of the police force; Martial Arts/Combat skills/Boxing; talking walks or strolls

DISLIKES: REAAALLY sweet things; meetings with other districts; cold water (shower, but sometimes doesn't have a choice to), anything Winter related, rainy days (he actually loves and appreciates rainy days alot, but he doesn't wanna be out there in the rain.), loud chaotic people, like really fkin loud, tight spaces (he gets paranoid)

BACKSTORY (IF ANY): Ren grew up with his siblings and parents before their assassination, and he was a really good and kind kid but people often took advantage of his kindness. Even at current time and age people still take advantage of his kindness and he's not much to argue or fight back, only wanting peace and ease in his life. Hes sorta a people pleaser, not on purpose though. Dark concerns for the way people walk all over him, and if angered enough might try to go behind Ren's back and punch a mf senseless. Has grown protective over Ren over the years despite being the younger one.

OTHER EXTRA DETAILS/INFO/FACTS: Ren's body actually can get extremely hot, hotter than an average humans. Could assume he's got a fever but nah, being the species he is and the type of element his body can bump its degrees 120+; hot enough that if water touches him it can actually steam off of him. He's like his own thermal heater, especially in the winter time; His dragon tattoo is actually an inherited birthmark from his mother who also has it, but hers is slightly more faded. Its told to contain a spirit or powers of the sorts but he's never unlocked it so....who knows; He possesses fire magic. like reddish/orange flames. Also owns a few select guns, especially a revolver and a hand pistol + his katana; Ren is and can be a....really big baby. He does cry, he can cry okay, dont make him cryyyyyy-

BODY BUILD/TYPE: HIMBO HIMBO HIMBO- BOOBS, TIDDIES, MAN BONKERS- Hes got a sorta broad upper body that slightly slims out to the hips. But hes kinda.....rectangle shape...?? yeah.....look at the ref!! LOL (tiddies)

THEME SONG (S)/ SONGS THAT RELATE TO THEM: Good In Me - Jon Bellion; Day 4 - Lemaitre