🍨🥧 Beau 🥧🍨



6 years, 11 months ago




Obtained: Created by CrCr
Status: Secondary / Alt sona
Worth: Over $60
Notes: There are some important features in his design, so look over it carefully if you are drawing him~


NameBeauNicknamesBB, Bow, Lazy
SpeciesDragon MuttBody TypeSlightly chubby, total fluff ball
LikesFood, sleep, pandas, calming vibesDislikesCrowds, not getting enough sleep, cold wheather
VoiceKarma Akabane (Assassination Classroom)



If you mention anything about calm waters, blueberries or pandas then you'll most likely catch his attention. He simply adores these 3 things with all his heart (aside from any other food and laziness.) He owns nearly 100+ Panda themed items, he has a music player with a CD only with water/river sounds on it, and his fridge consists of mostly blueberry flavored items (and any other types of berries- he really enjoys berries...)


He is extremely lazy and enjoys food and sleep more than anything else. Really, there's never a time he's not seen eating or dozing off. 

He has a soft personality and is easy to be around. He doesn't speak much but if it's a topic he likes, you won't be able to shut him up.

He's a bit slow with processing things- Never ask him a tough question expecting the answer in a minute or so. He'll think long and hard for a few days and then blurt out the answer at the most random time. Or... he'll just forget what you asked all together...

His fur is long and unexpectedly thick, but don't let this fool you into thinking he likes colder weather- he hates it. If its not over 70 F (21 Celsius) Then he's not at all happy. The warmer the better!

