Beata Wardlaw



6 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info




Jun 5, 1919




5'10 / 178 cm


139 lb. / 63 kg



Flavor Text



Appearance: Beata has short, black curly hair that she keeps neat and clean to the  point it seems she is trying to keep it straight. Her eyes are small and  pea-coloured. She always seems to be wide awake and in a good mood  based only on her appearance. Beata wears a wide arrange of clothing,  depending on how she feels or if she feels like dressing up one day.  There is no one signature piece of clothing that she is always seen  wearing, but she is always open to wearing different clothes.

Personality: Beata is a very independent person, she thinks for herself and has her  own opinions on things. She isn't afraid to voice these opinions, no  matter how controversial they are. Beata isn't easily intimidated, even  when it is much safer for her to be. This causes many to dislike her,  simply because she doesn't let their opinions and fears get the better  of her. That being said, sometimes their dislike is justified, as Beata  also can be very quirky and eccentric. She finds it extremely  entertaining to dress up in various costumes, and has some talent for  impersonating people while dressed in their clothes for the profession.  Not many enjoy when she does this, which cause them to spread rumours  about her, which she doesn't pay heed to.
When it comes to the likes  of Driscoll, Beata is utterly devoted to him, if not protective of him.  She would do anything to keep him out of harm's way when he is  sleepwalking or when he falls into the hands of his narcolepsy. She  hardly gets frustrated of angry at him when he falls into these states,  and sometimes cannot help but encourage his fanciful dreams. Beata finds  Driscoll's dreams and sleepwalking actions to be more amusing than  anything she should be jealous of, and patiently goes along with them  until he wakes up from his sleep.

History: Beata was born into a middle-class family, being a middle child of a  large number. However, her family had a bad run in with diseases and  birth troubles, which caused all of her siblings to die at a young age,  leaving her an only child. She never socialized much because of the fear  of losing any friends she made like she lost her siblings. Being  uninfluenced by her siblings and friends allowed her to carve her own  thoughts and opinions without having to worry about pressure. When she  met Driscoll, she allowed herself to befriend him in order to have  someone to talk to. With his sudden bouts of falling asleep, Beata came  to learn that she shouldn't fear losing him as he'd always wake up after  a few minutes. Beata adored and grew quite attached to Driscoll, which  quickly transformed into her falling in love with him. Beata had never  felt happier these years with Driscoll, until his parents found out and  sent him away from her. Beata felt devastated until she received a  letter from him in the asylum, and always writes back.