Angel Roll



3 years, 27 days ago


Angel Roll
Species: The Sushi People info
age: 15 info
gender: Trans Man info
pronouns: He/Him info
orientation: Omnisexual info
height: [need to figure out] info
build: [need to figure out] info
job: None info
song: Two Time by Jack Staunber info

designed by info
species creator info
purchased from info
value info
trade/resell no

  • Has four sushi rolls
  • Wings that have light green fades
  • Two limbs per sushi roll
  • Instead of seaweed, it has soybean paper
  • Adding paws on hands are optional
  • Always put sushi caviar on its head and second sushi roll
  • put light pink to electric magenta fade on soybean paper


Angel roll. A creature that is known only from Mythology books in highschool, maybe even local libraries. You see, this adorable creature is from a much much more superior race of High beings called..The Sushi People. Despite their angelic appearance, The Sushi People are quite deadly. Could it be their cultist ways? Constant need for war? Or maybe just acts of mischief that may have "accidentally" killed someone in the process? The answer, all of the above. Now who could possibly rule such creatures of death and destruction?

Angel Roll, prince of The Sushi people. You would think that a prince would obviously have some sort of, whats the word, maturity! Well no- not exactly. The prince is only 14 years of age and merely the size of a school bus, which is considered small. This cowardly fellow can barely order food himself, and now people expect him to be a King. Ruler of a nation. The Man upstairs, if you will. Rememeber the cultists I mentioned? Yeah, they are trying to murder The prince. As expected, i'm sure, Angel is ok with being murdered. He could give less a shit about living or dying. What he really cares about is what he is going to make for breakfast. His father sees that his son is ok with being sacrificed to The Mighty Dragon Roll, and basically puts him on a different dimension. The object version of earth. Will Angel Roll ever make it back home? We may never know..well not yet anyways.


Angel roll is suprisingly a good companion, that is if you can deal with someone that's very outgoing and intense. Don't get me wrong, this magic sushi will do anything to protect you, take care of you, even give you cuddles. But at what cost? He is very loud and enthusiatic. It's hard to keep up with someone with such high energy, then one second later crashes into a depressive episode. I wouldn't say that he is high maintenance, but Angel for sure needs alot of care. He is very disorganised and only does things when theres small sparks of motivation to do so. Even with all these issues he will make sure to stay by your side, as long as you let him, till the very end.


[to be filled out]

[to be filled out]

Kingsley// Close Friend

Kingsley is my sibling, My shawty even. They are very cool and I look up to them in a way. They mean alot to me and fae are a very awesome friend. I knew from our first moments where I said "Hey :3" and you said "no", I had a feeling that we would be good friends. You were always there for me, I hope that I can always be there for you too. Thanks for being such a good homie!

Pogo// Close Friend

You're very amazing homie. From the second I asked to make fanart of your character, out of nowhere, and you only recongnized me for adopting Angel Roll. I knew. That my mission was to be your friend because you're very cool! Turns out I was right, you're the best shawty :D

Cas// Best Friend

You are literally, the best. Just. Casprian, you've been there from the very beggining we met. I Can't express where i'd be if it weren't for you. Honestly. You've always been supportive and even helping me in my daily life. I am so grateful, I can't put it into words. Thank you. Thank you for everything Cas.
