
3 years, 3 months ago


ione eudora celephais
feb 25
she / her
asexual lesbian

i o n e

"In every lifetime I have loved you, my dear. In every life there is to come, I shall love you even more still."

Ione's one for jokes and laughter. Whatever she can get to make others feel good and included. She doesn't much care what others think of her position, just opting to be herself. After all, what's power and money when you've been reincarnated multiple times? Ione's known sorrow and joy, poverty and wealth. In the end, one with such a life can turn to either greed or charity, and she's chosen the latter. Life's no fun when you're all apathetic, so why even bother? The pleasures of life are all there to be taken, and chief amongst them is a meal shared in a hall of feasting.

Ione is grateful for those who are around her, though. Her current older sister, Seraphine, has been instrumental in getting her hooked on both alchemy and inventing. Though she's a little... Eccentric, she has a goal. To both bring about good in the world, and to finally achieve immortality so she can be with her precious Maire until the end of days. Lofty goals, she knows. It's not something she takes lightly, either. Her devotion to her craft is almost fanatical, pushing her to the late nights and early mornings, shrugging aside social commitments, especially to those she holds dear, such as Seraphine and Koda. Oh well, at least Koda doesn't seem to miss her much-


  • a big fan of cherry blossoms and cherries
  • slightly sweetened peach tea and hibiscus tea
  • wading in the ocean on a hot summer's day
  • feeling the salty ocean breeze running through her fur


  • the way saltwater rusts her creations so easily
  • rainstorms and tracking mud in the house
  • disorganization and clutter
  • wide open spaces




Kindness is what drives Ione's every move. Though many guess at her ulterior motives, she's just one of the precious few souls in the noble ranks, or anywhere, that has a heart of gold. As someone who experienced suffering, she wants to ensure no one else will have to experience the harsh days and starving nights she did. Some call it folly, but she calls it her dream.


It's more than natural for the child of nobility to be bold and outspoken, though Ione is outstanding even in this regard. Her tone and pace is matched by few, and she is outdone by none. A little quirk of her personality, though. She prides herself on her ability to befriend just about anyone, regardless of social status or creed. She figures everyone needs a friend, so why not her?


Ione is nothing if not bold. From breaking social taboos to finding ways to break the previously held laws of science and magic. There's nothing she can't and won't do, and nothing will stop her in her quest. Many may be offput by her style of speaking, but to her, it's just another day. Ione makes a point of speaking her mind and standing up for what she believes in.


Ione's always had a creative streak, but her most recent reincarnation has left her with a lot of means for creativity, and a lot of time to do it. Though she isn't used to it, she's taken advantage of it to help those around her, as well as herself. Though many of her gadgets are more on the impractical side, she's been able to help develop prosthetics alongside Seraphine to help those who've been gravely injured.


If there is something that Ione has set her mind on, it will get done. It doesn't matter how many all-nighters she needs to pull, her desire will burn so brightly she will refuse to sleep. Some call it unhealthy, but she just calls it drive. That, and a little pipe dream to be able to join her lover forever on walking the earth are what fuel her endeavors. And helping people. That too.


Ione's got a silver tongue, and doesn't she know it. She uses her powers and ways of charm for good. Mostly. Sometimes it's just to get something she wants, but she's careful to do her best and not harm others. However, it doesn't hurt that she can conjure the biggest audience on the block, and she's quite popular, as far as nobility goes. Many were even relieved when she and Koda didn't get together, so she wasn't tucked away, spouting the stale lines of nobility.


• thin frame, very "whoops I forgot to eat I was working all day" vibes

• can have hair up or down, either way is good!

• often wears goggles, shirts and funny jackets, and pants

• has very straight hair, but it gets mussed very often

• long thin, almost skrunglie tail


• hides a jellyfish on all her designs :)

• absolutely WOULD kill for a good salad... loves salads

• loves historical fiction; has a whole bookshelf dedicated to it

• still has her very first companion she ever built! its name is kensa

• designed and built the royal greenhouse with her own two hands, centuries ago


Ione was born long before her body. She existed in another form for many years, in poverty and squalor, before she fell in love with a god. The god of divination, of fate, of chance itself. Their love was dear, burning passionately, ardent as the stars themselves in the sky. For a moment suspended in time, Ione could fly. Then she plummeted to the earth, taken by death, same as all mortals. For a time, Ione and Maire were separated, and the god mourned, thinking they would never cross paths again.

Until they did. Ione was reborn again, centuries later, to a different family and circumstance, perhaps more well-off. For a time, Ione went without knowing of the fate that came before her, though feeling as if somehow, she'd done it all before. She went into the world, learning the family trade of weaving and creating delights so as to please Maire and the noble class, before their fateful meeting once more. It was as if the veil tore, and suddenly Ione remembered every moment--every passionate, sweet, soft moment they'd shared. And they wept.

Ever since then, Ione has retained her memories of each life, and it has spurred her desire to create better living for those around her. She has since been reborn in her current form, sister to Seraphine and childhood friend to one of the princes, Koda. She has much more access to resources now, and spends most of her days trying to fight the clock and cure her mortality, so she may be united with her lover forever.


relationship Ione's heart beats, if not for herself, then for Maire. Their chance meeting long ago has left a deep impression on her, and she feels that her lives are meant to be spent with them. Whether she finds the key to immortal life or is destined to be the last mortal to walk the stars, Ione is determined to be by Maire's side for as long as she can.

relationship Seraphine is one of Ione's role models in this life. Though Ione has considerable more experience than her technical "older" sister, she still looks up to her and helps her out whereve rshe can. Seraphine's understanding of the intricacies of magic and technology is crucial to Ione's plans; though of course, their sisterly bond and love of gossip are key factors, too.

relationship Koda is a lifelong friend of Ione. Though they were supposed to be together, Ione always knew it would never work out. Koda always thought it was just because of their incompatibilities, but for Ione, it's always been Maire. However, they have grown apart in their adult years. Ever since Koda got with Luka, Ione has not been shy on her opinions about him. Though Koda begs her to change her mind, she's seen far too many like Luka over the years to hope it'll end with anything but a broken heart.