


2 years, 11 months ago


13 | he/him | snowshoe cat | 80's

everyone calls him max or maximus!!
a truly furball, he's extremely huggable... is very kind, wholesome and pacifist... but he just gets a little too excited and loud during your activities.
is COMPLETELY FASCINATED with ufology, cryptozoology, conspiracy theories, the paranormal and all weird mysterious stuff.
a nerd obssessed to discover all the misteries of the earth (and universe) and firmly believes in all theories about it.
chill and easygoing, but bold of who subestimate or doubt his convictions, he'll not stop until he proves he's the right one! that's why the nickname "maximus"

often goes hunting cryptids in the woods at 3 am, urban exploration at haunted buildings and looking for UFOs in the sky.
it's almost always with his best friend 
hazel, which althought she can't firmly believe in the existence of all of it, she admires all max theories!!
he lives in hollow woods, a weird small seaside town, in the 80's. looses a lot of fur and is a night owl....
and besides all of that, he also loves peanut butter sandwiches, chill laying in the grass, geek culture, polaroids, science fiction, comics, halloween and VHS tapes.

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