


2 years, 11 months ago


littlekit -> littlepaw
medicine cat
45 moons
kestrelcall (npc)
kind-hearted littlewoods is windclan's medicine cat, known for his gentle nature and his small stature. he's incredibly dedicated to his role in his clan.
" i always knew i wasn't destined to be a fighter. "
littlewoods has been acting as windclan's sole medicine cat for a couple of years. he has handled his responsibility with grace, having taken over the role in a particularly tumultuous time within windclan's ranks, with renly the ripper wreacking havoc among the clans. he doesn't regret this experience, however, instead saying it made him far better at his medicine cat responsibilities. he always remains humble, polite and caring to any cat in need, and is not one to shy away a cat who needs aid. he doesn't tolerate those who pose a threat to his clanmates.
born to auburnsky and kestrelcall, littlekit was one of two surviving kits of the four-kit litter. his other surviving brother, wolfkit, was the stronger of the two of them, whilst whitekit and speckledkit were born weak and sickly and died at 3 moons old. the medicine cats had tried all they could, but they unfortunately were just too weak. littlewoods attributes this to his first real desire to be a medicine cat, and it would fuel him with his motivations to never give up on a kit however hopeless it may seem. littlekit always cared for his brother wolfkit, but being the weaker of the two, he ended up spending a lot of time in the medicine den. he still tried to force himself into taking interest into warrior life, but most could see his insistence and clinginess to the medicine den in general. despite this, windclan's medicine cat hadn't been willing to realise they needed to start training an apprentice. however, littlekit would begin experiencing starclan visions when he came down with severe greencough right before his apprentice ceremony. his parents, anxious over the possibility of losing him too, became incredibly overly doting and clingy, which in turn generated resentment in wolfkit. wolfkit was sort of... somewhat forgotten in comparison to his younger brother. his apprentice ceremony continued, and he was beginning training whilst littlekit was still recovering from greencough. but after a moon, littlekit got better. just as he was scheduled to be made an apprentice, windclan's medicine cat came forward to say that he had a sign that meant that the young cat was to become windclan's medicine cat apprentice. relieved that there was another life outside of being a warrior, littlepaw accepted the responsibility gratefully. littlepaw was a model apprentice, taking his mentor's advice at all times and would earn his medicine cat name in due time. his younger siblings were the first litter he assisted with birth with, and as a result he's particularly close with his sister morningblush. as a result of the long-standing resentment from wolfleap, however, littlewoods was distant from him. it was only after wolfleap was killed in battle that he finally forgave his brother, being one of the cats to welcome him as a full medicine cat and congratulate him on his new name, apologising for not understanding that it wasn't littlewoods' fault his parents treated him differently. in recent moons, littlewoods has finally taken an apprentice, skipperpaw. although, skipperpaw was murdered by oasismist, and littlewoods has his suspicions about his clanmate. he is about to take on a new apprentice in the form of moosepaw.