


3 years, 3 months ago


Name: Eliane Rigby                   Class: Mage
Age: 20s                          Personality: Lonesome/Socialite
Height: 5'7"                             Quote: "Let's just get this over with."

General Information:
Eliane is a rather silent, straight-to-the-point, and a bit of a stubborn type of mage who prefers to be alone most of the time. However she needed something to do with her life and reluctantly joined the Hero's party once she was hired by him alongside a friend of hers to join on the Hero's adventure to save the world.

More Detailed:
                 Before the main story...
Eliane had just gotten over the passing of her grandmother, the only person who really took care of her as she grew up and the only person who believed in her. Her parents (or more specifically her mother) was never really present in her life, nor was she the most caring person either. Hell, Eliane doesn't even know where she up and went to, but she doesn't have the need to care to know her mother's whereabouts. As for her father, that's a whole 'nother can of worms to open, but just like with her mother, she can get by without knowing how the two are fairing. Truly on her own now, Eliane seeks employment as a mage-for-hire at Patty's Party Planning Place stationed in the small Castletown of Aliahan. However, she isn't truly alone for she has her newly acquainted friend, Heinrich, by her side! As much as she doesn't want to admit that, though.

                 During the main story...
Throughout the events of the story, Eliane learns to be more open and okay with the idea of caring for others, as well as letting others care for her too. She also learns that she doesn't have to be alone as she has a group of friends she can rely on from time to time.