


3 years, 18 days ago


"Oh, uh, hi! I'm Mero, one of Tsubaki's Subclass. He saved me and my older brother Lilac up a long time ago, and we're still living with him and his other Subclass now. Since I'm one of the youngest, I'm not usually involved in his plans, though. Wish I could help more, but he usually says I help most by staying safe, so that's what I'm doing! And Lilac doesn't get to do much, either, so I guess it's fair."
  • Name: Mero
  • Age: ???
  • Apparent Age: 12
  • Pronouns: She/Her
  • Height: 145cm
  • Species: Melancholy Subclass Vampire
  • Hair Color: Lilac
  • Hairstyle: Semi-long (a little longer than Lilac's)
  • Eye Color: Red
  • Accessories: She has a necklace she always wears, and is often seen with her fox plushie

Strong for Family

Mero is usually rather timid. Not necessarily shy when it comes to strangers, but she flinches easily when people raise their voices, and she's usually rather calm and quiet around other people. The one exception is if her family is threatened, especially Lilac. No matter how much bigger, stronger, or louder the other person is, if anyone seems to threaten her older brother, whether that's physically or just by yelling at him, Mero will do her best to defend Lilac... And probably afterwards cry while she's being comforted by Lilac, because the situation was so scary for her.
She'd do the same for the other Melancholy Subclass, too, but most of them are more than capable of defending themelves; someone like Higan or Belkia will probably have dealt with the threat before Mero could even say one word.













Older Brother

Lilac is Mero's older brother. She usually follows him around, and tends to hide behind him if something startles her. However, if someone yells at or threatens Lilac, she'll try her best to stand up for him - And then cry in his arms afterwards because of how scary it was.




Tsubaki is the Servamp who took Mero and her brother in after their deaths. Mero sees him kind of like a mixture of a father figure and an additional older brother, and if Lilac isn't nearby, she tends to run to him if she's scared of something.

Snow Lily


Temporary Guardian

Mero once managed to get separated from the rest of Team Melancholy, with no idea how to get back home. Lily found her and took her in for a while, treating her just like he did his own Subclass until Tsubaki finally found Mero and came to pick her up.

What is their perception of family?

For Mero, a family is people who stand by each other, take care of each other, and protect each other.

Did you know that...
  • ... Mero had her fox plush way before she was turned into a vampire?
  • Stories Mero features in:
  • Under a Starry Sky: Mero is looking at the stars, wondering when her family would come pick her up from the Aliceins, while Lily tries to hold a friendly conversation.