Cordelia Riviera



3 years, 14 days ago


Cordelia Riviera

name cordelia riviera
alias the maelstrom
age fourty-two
gender female (she/her)
height 5'8"
orientation bisexual
species half-orc, half-elf
role sea captain
theme ( )

status How long can I make this quote?
worth $$$

Cordelia's heart belongs to the ocean. Born in a harbor town, she has always felt the pull from the waves. Her merchant parents routinely warned her that the ocean is just as beautiful as it is deadly, and there is no love to be found in its depths. There is no harnessing the power carried by the sea. Cordelia, of course, set out to find the truth for herself. After years spent honing her magic, Cordelia slowly rose throughout the ranks to become the captain of her own ship-- the Tempest Break. Cordelia spends her time patroling the high seas, both to protect from pirates who seek to plunder passing trading vessels, and to uncover some ancient forgotten treasures herself.

"Take a deep breath and trust me for just a moment."

  • the sea
  • casual flings
  • folk tales
  • disloyalty
  • feeling trapped
  • something else

educated ignorant
emotional logical
organised messy
honest insincere

design notes
  • Cordelia has two sets of tusks-- one from her bottom jaw and one from her upper.
  • Visually, Cordelia's magic is greatly influenced by her patron, and typically takes on an aquatic appearance.
  • She is always wearing her wedding ring.