Gereon Von Falken



3 years, 13 days ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Gereon "Goldie" Von Falken


Mountain Alkarnabi


Anthro Only





Zodiac / Birthday

Opal Deepender (Jun 1)


Male (He/Him)




Busy pubs, séances, floriography, trainspotting, urban areas, fancy outfits


Bright artificial lights, poker, swimming, 3D movies, VR


Cartography, collecting historical maps, model trains, cardistry, adopting troubled teenagers


16 Days 2021 (Golden Mane)

The Von Falken family was a noble house in Kileburgh, gaining their family fortune through a monopoly on the railroads. Gereon is the sole heir of the family fortune, and chose to turn over the estate for historical preservation in order to strike out of his TL zone. After leaving Kileburgh in his early 20s, he discovered that he was fabulously wealthy even within the modern main world, so he did what anyone would do and bought an entire valley to build the world’s coolest palace.
He founded the Copper Ring with the intent of finding and relocating aurusalakr eggs held by auruist cults so the aurusalkar could one day be reborn outside of a group that would force their distorted views on them.
He also has a tendency to take in troubled souls and adopt kids with backgrounds that make them less popular candidates for other families. Sort of a bleeding heart when it comes to that.

- Jocular - Idealistic - Charitable - Short-Sighted - Impulsive - Proud - 

Involvement - Spoiled for length

Magic Surge
Gereon’s magic goes haywire and accidentally charms Butler before a portal opens up nearby. Out of curiosity, Gereon steps through, but Butler does not - charmed to stand in place. He finds himself in a hot, dry desert, and sees that other nabis are gathering nearby. He looks for nabis who recognize words from his world, and finds only three others in the group - Virgil, his counterpart Yasen, and the nabi known as The Ranger. Despite the tension between Virgil and The Ranger, and The Ranger’s general prickliness, Gereon manages to get the four to work together to sort out whatever is causing magic to go haywire. Gereon is fascinated by the floating wisps, catching them in a jar like fireflies before discovering they can be traded for supplies at a shop. Gereon purchases a grappling hook, thinking it could be used to climb the mountain later on.
On the mountain path, the group is attacked by rock monsters. Gereon uses his grappling hook to stay out of range, and saves Yasen from falling off the cliffside when The Ranger causes a rockslide.
When the group discovers the nest - and what the nest means - Gereon is intrigued by the idea of aurusalkar returning, and thinks it would make Von Falken industries an indomitable business with one as a figurehead, but he is unable to get one.
After returning home, he decides to find and finance groups who could help him retrieve any eggs that are in his world. He releases a public statement about the return of the aurusalkar, and the press from across the world latches onto it, spreading it far and wide.
Not long after, his estate is attacked by auruist cults who believe him to be a blasphemer, and refuse to listen to reason. After seeing how intense and cruel the churches have become, Gereon vows instead to keep the reborn aurusalkar from falling into their hands, and creates the Copper Ring.

Jungle Explorers
Gereon meets up with Virgil, Yasen, and The Ranger. Virgil has an untested artifact that he claims will allow them to travel through worlds, but it goes a little haywire. Gereon and The Ranger split off from Virgil and Yasen, and wind up in the Jungle.
He buys himself and The Ranger some jungle explorer’s gear, and enjoys exploring so much that he almost forgets that there’s a nest until they reach it. None of them take an egg after Yasen remarks that the journey back is uncertain and that it may be lost in the process. Virgil uses the same artifact and the group teleports home, though The Ranger splits off from the group again due to another moment of haywire magic. Gereon returns home, wondering what happened to The Ranger but having no means of contacting him.

Winter Solstice
Gereon is taken by Gray and turned into a Shade that attacks The Ranger and Yasen alongside Virgil.
When he’s returned to normal, he tries to comfort The Ranger, but is unable to calm him down. When Gereon thinks of home, he ends up in his train, which he’s modified into being a headquarters and home in the time between events.

Gereon gets the letter just as he’s about to drop a young Carver off at a modern inpatient program. He meets The Ranger not long after, and offers him a ride on the train to meet Virgil and Yasen in New Camrey. On the journey, Gereon tries to reason with The Ranger, who doesn’t trust Wisp after the last event. They meet up with Virgil and Yasen, and Virgil’s magic artifact has been refined to work without major mishaps. At the train station, Gereon excitedly waits to see the train that will arrive on the strange track, relaying his observations to The Ranger. He’s just as excited on the train ride, though he’s brought down by the gloom of the In-Between. When the group discover Ansina - an aurubi - Gereon wonders if there’s a chance of aurubis being born back home, and what their status within the churches would be. The idea of a train that hops dimensions takes up most of his thought, though, and he begins drafting ideas for the Copperwing on the trip home.

Sky City
Gereon is in the middle of haggling over the price of an upgrade to the Copperwing when he gets the letter, and meets up with Virgil and Yasen before The Ranger finds them. Gereon finds the city fascinating, unbothered by the cold of being so high up. He’s not worried about the destruction caused by Ansina until The Ranger points out that she’s just as capable of destroying their world, too.

Open Skies
Gereon doubts Pronghorn’s conclusion that all aurusalkar and aurubi are destined to destroy the world - he’s more focused on the zealots who are determined to do it for them. When the group goes through the portal and winds up on a distant planet, Gereon is compelled forward by the siren song.
Gereon is neutral when it comes to the war between alkarnabi and aurusalkar. He doesn’t want to help either side, and worries more for his sons back home if the war spills over into their world. He tries to keep the group together, but Virgil and The Ranger are in such strong support of their respective sides that not even Gereon’s magic can sway them for long.

Crystal Cave
Gereon’s magic strengthens and weakens at random, and he worries that he may accidentally charm or compel the members of the Copper Ring. He especially worries that Carver’s magic will strengthen to a dangerous degree, so he takes off after the nest in the hopes of stopping the magic from fluctuating so much. He only finds The Ranger there, who is seemingly immune to the effect. The two traverse the caves, but as stress continues to build up and the force remains unchecked, Gereon becomes more irritable and even snaps at The Ranger. When the source is found and the nest is recovered, Gereon recovers from the corrupting effects. He tries to reason with The Ranger after the chaos settles. Believing that there is still compromise, he tells The Ranger that he shouldn’t be so quick to denounce the aurusalkar. Ranger gently rejects the idea, and says they still pose a threat. Gereon promises that he’ll find a way to change his mind, and The Ranger says that he’d have to do something spectacular to do that.

Deep Sea
Gereon avoids confronting his indecision over participating when his letter from Wisp is discovered by his sons. He allows The Ranger, Perse, and Aldus to board the Copperwing and takes them to the location mentioned in the letter.
He spends some time relaxing until he hears word of Carver attacking an elderly nabi. He contemplates whether to act as his father or as his boss, finding it difficult to be both at the same time when it comes to handling Carver’s behavior.
He concludes that being a father is more important to him. He joins his two oldest sons in the confrontation with the Deep Beast. He finally takes an egg “for himself”, but smuggles it into a gift to The Ranger. He hopes that caring for a new aurusalkar will be the thing that softens his stance on aurusalkar overall.
He chooses to retire and let younger adventurers take his place. He plans on helping in his own way, such as providing transportation with his train. He spends his new retirement catching up with Shads on the beach, reveling in a moment of peace and quiet.

Cyberpunk Carnival
Gereon provides transportation to Marisol so she can reach the Crossroads. When she comes back with an egg, he buys it and relocates it to West Ridge.
He meets his aurubi son, Gabriel, for the first time. He’s overjoyed to have another son, and accepts him into the family and the business. He encourages both aurubis to meet The Ranger and pass his well wishes on to his old friend.

Gereon experiences a multitude of alternate realities during the storm. His view on destiny is shaken, but holds strong.
The tears in the world end up pulling in a handful of the Copper Ring members, including his sons. Not long after, he receives a message from Aurion Major, requesting the assistance of the Copper Ring and his presence on her island. Deciding that the world needs as many adventurers as possible, he takes the Copperwing to the village to ask for their help. Together, the adventurers take off to Aurion’s Island, hoping the aurusalkar has an idea of how to stop the tears in the world from getting worse.