


3 years, 17 days ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)
For Trade
For Offer
$10 - $20

Basic Info

›Name: Rowan

›Nickname: Roro, Roy

›Gender: Transsexual male ›Age:23

›Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

›Species: Mexican wolf

›Pet Peeve(s): When people don't catch on when he does, explaining things, cocky people that think they're better than everyone

«Song» "Forgot" - Verzache

›Likes: Schedules, going outside on walks or hikes, hoodies, animals (canids and reptiles especially), chocolate, teas, LOTR, photography, Overwatch, Weed (only edibles), anime (Darker Than Black and D-Gray Man are his favorites), Ginger Ale, Lore Olympus, mythology (greek mostly), cryptids, Let's Read, music artists like Lil Bo Weep, Verzache, 93FEETOFSMOKE and shrimp..............›Dislikes: Caffeine, being sick, getting mad, bugs, lag in games, talking to people (on comms for a game or irl), being stared at, how fast time seems to go, being bored, complete silence, excessive cgi in movies, romcoms and romance movies in general

«Song» "this body means nothing to me" - shrimp

›Fears: Disappointing those close to him, hurting people (unintentionally), bugs with a lot of legs..............›Mental Disorder(s): Depression, ADHD, GD, Anorexia (mostly recovered), Bad anger issues..............›Physical Disorders: Very bad allergies, iron deficiency, bad immune system (gets sick a lot..............›Personality Traits: Easily annoyed, insecure, easily startled, pessimistic, loner-type, acts bubbly and goofy around others usually, likes making people happy, tired constantly, antisocial, socially awkward around strangers + love interests, very resilient


paid 3k ac