Mikiba Hozouki



2 years, 10 months ago


Mikiba Hozouki 幹牙 宝蔵

Hero Name- The Pachyderm Hero: Copperajah

Quirk- Tusk Shot

What the quirk does- she can grow tusks from her arms which are strong enough to crush boulders into dust! Even without her tusks she's very strong and able to lift a lot of weight while being able to punch with the same amount.

Gender- Cis Female

Height- 6'1

Fun Facts- likes shiny things, is very strong and likes to carry people around, always wears golden bands somewhere in her body, likes to show off her 'tusks' because she believes that they're pretty, almost became a villain, likes to take showers and loves to just lay in water for a while, dislikes it when people mess with her hair or call her strange for being so tall, dislikes it when her tusks break even though it's hard to do so.